wogboypaul, survivor9712 and syam32245340, and everyone else who moans about this game being wii exclusive @ this game was made by nintendo saadomar1109 "Uhmmm... not trying to be a troll here. This game clearly looks very impressive, and if i had a wii i would get this in a heartbeat. I've gone through some of these comments and it disturbs me when people try to deem this game "RPG of our generation". If you mean for the wii, sure it can have that title. If you mean of all games, you've clearly never played the elder scrolls series, final fantasy, blue dragon or dragon age. There are a few more out there that i haven't got my hands on but it bothers me that you'd wanna make that claim when there are far more serious contenders out there." Last decent jrpg game was FFX, and as i said it was only decent. I've played almost all of jrpg ever released in the west ( and some that ware fan translated). And I can assure you that this is the best jrpg of this decade. Elder Scrolls etc are great fun in their own rights but are not jrpgs, and they're completely different experience so they shouldn't be compared. However personaly I had amazing fun with xenoblade and only mediocre with the ones you mentiond. This is all up to personal taste. Like my favorite elder scroll game to this day is morrowind :)
megatronx2's comments