@Kevin-V @Ravenshout Or maybe time has come to stop praising cinematic aspects of a game, and start being more strict with substance? Just an idea, but then developers might give more attention to gameplay.
Gameplay for lazy people that is. For someone who was brought up on early nintendo games, as well as pc hc games ( like quake ) those modern games are style over substance, and are no more hardcore than facebook zynga stuff at it's core.
@eugkra yeah. I don't see anyone arguing about tv remotes similarities. XD
But you know what im finding funny? That people are so scared of new things they refuse to try it.
I had great time with zelda SS and MP3 and wii motes worked really well for me. Most of the games these days i play on the pc with mouse and kb. But had snes. And n64. And i still have ps2. and 360. And i'm looking forward to this new invention. And im happy that N is releasing standard controller 4 those who might not like the tablet when they'll try it. Not happy 4 scared trolls thought. ;)
Well in this case they should leave option to player if they want to have mounted flashlight or not with description of how the gameplay will feel like.
megatronx2's comments