@yeah_28 Do they really need to? They amazing at what they do, and they choose wisely the worlds they set their games in. And Both worlds : the witcher and cyberpunk are amazing.
Most of the time im finding narrative in game unbareble, so bad. So yeah, if there would be biggere ephacis on narrative then maybe games would start having interesting stories and well written dialogs ( as i said only few menaged to deliver ).
@rolla020980 Wow mate, nintendo first party games and exclusives. That's what there is "going to be left". @hippiesanta Wow again. If WU cpu and gpu would be a tech from even a couple or three years ago, that's already few gen's up from 360 an ps3. ps. not a fanboy, just want to make things clear.
Part 4 yey! :D Got coffee and cigarette, break inbetwen work at 2am. Awsome XD EDIT@ So funny Kevin XD 'stupid kid' LOL XD FEw words of advice. You can check you're party members affinity in affinity charts menu. As well you should be buying books in the shops to improve/get new skills. And you should go back to colony 9 using quick travel and make some gems as your equipment is quite empty. See u next week XD
Awsome stuff Kevin ^^ I already finished it some time ago but I'm wotching you're playtrough for relaxation purposes ^^ I love the cutcenes a lot :) At the same time it is interesting to see what are your reactions to it and experimentations with it, and how they differe from mine. I agree as well that great art is timeless and that this game is beautiful. This is a great game and i think peopleliving in USA should import it and play it because they missing out so much on this fantastic slick gameplay.
megatronx2's comments