1) The Jaguar is an upgrade to Bobcat. Both of these belong to AMD's APU Cat family. APUs have the Northbridge built into the APU itself.
2) The Jaguar/Bobcat does not have a Southbridge, its called a FCH (Fusion Control Hub) and connects directly to the APU.
3) The Jaguar/Bobcat has the GPU built into the chip. A separate GPU would either overwrite the APU's built in GPU or be a 6xxx class GPU and have Hybrid Crossfire built into the FCH.
4) As per AMD's Jaguar reveal presentation at HotChips the APU can only support four cores.
5) AMD themselves categorise the Cat family, Jaguar included, as a low power, small flexible option for low power markets such as tablets, laptops and cloud stations. The performance sector is catered for by the Bulldozer core.
6) The major improvements listed between Jaguar and Bobcat are more enterprise orientated with no improvements listed to the iGPU. The only major benefit to a console is the die shrink from 40nm to 28nm.
Unless the next consoles are using Bulldozer cores those specs and plans don't add up."
Movies and music destigmatize ( apparently there's no such word ) violence also, so I disagree with the man.
However, and i know this might not be a popular response I understand that in games person exposed to on screen violence makes their own decisions, and ultimately do program their own brain to respond in certain manner to what they see.
Two comments by Gas Powered Games Employees from comments on article byEurogamer.net
I think it's worth checking out in forming an opinion, so i copied them here.
8 hours ago
I was one of the people laid off from Gas Powered Games today. Chris Taylor is without a doubt the best boss that I have ever had. I will do whatever I can to help make the Wildman Kickstarter a success and to help GPG.
And to all the people who think this was all a plan by Chris just to keep the company afloat....you're right. To let people keep their jobs and make a great game for people to play. The gaming industry is really changing right now, and publishers are pulling the plug on projects left and right to save money. GPG is not some huge developer with loads of cash. When publishers cancel projects, developer employees lose their jobs. GPG is a small dev that Chris Taylor has poured his heart and soul into for the last 15 years, and kept the doors open when so many other developers closed theirs.
Thanks to all of you who have supported the Wildman campaign."
9 hours ago
Chris Taylor hired me after I served in the military. Just some grunt who had a dream of making video games, and who had worked on a couple mods.. After I proved myself and showed my desire to learn, he bought me books and personally taught me how to code. I owe this man my career, because he took a bet on me. I'm not the only employee with a story like this either.
I'm asking you guys to take a bet on Chris so he can make us all an epic game!
You can't find a more genuine CEO than Chris Taylor, and a studio more transparent than Gas Powered Games. Please, go support this company and pledge on Wildman!"
megatronx2's comments