most of the sales are from people that bough them twice or even more due the RROD or other failure. iv read an article somewhere that says that most of the xbox owners got another xbox after RROD. and the % of people that got RROD in that article is pretty high. so i guess at least 10 million xbox were bought again by the same users. there goes you sales numbers.GoldenAngel03
You know RROD is covered by a 3 years warranty??
People who got it most likely had another one for free, which costed MS a billion dollar.
i dont see the point. at beggining i admit that it would make sense to buy it, cause of the ps3 high price and poor library, altough i dont know xbox intial library. but as there was no way i would buy and xbox over a ps, i waited for ps3 price drop and got it last year. anyway. really, i dont see any advantages of the xbox over the ps3 now. ps3 has now a better library, and if you dont consider that a fact, at least you most consider it is the one wtih more types of games. you dont get good plataform games like ratchet or LBP on xbox. thats just an example. then it doesnt even have an WI-FI, i found this today, i couldnt even imagine it not having it. you have to pay to play online. and it has RROD, wich happens a lot. whats the point of buying a 360 over a ps3?? none. and you should stop comparing forza3 to GT5 cause thats hilarious. forza at same lv of GT. LMAO.neversnow24
Real resaons why an adult with interest in games and also game development (at hobbist level) would still prefer a X360:
XBLA/Indie Games
XNA development
Natal is likely to be much more interesting the PS3 motion controllers
online community is much better organized
games are cheaper!
RROD is a thing of the past and, even if the PS3 (slim) is a much better designed system and has no brick, this is not enough, at least for me. Nevertheless I'd go for the PS3 if there were something comparable to XNA, but Sony is too narrow minded to allow something like that.
I was just wondering how many games there are for PSP which sport a level editor so that we can build and share custom levels. I know this feature is included in "Tenchu: time of the assassins" but I am not aware of any other....
Hopefully by the time PS4 is out Sony will have learnt its lesson: graphics will be like PS3 but with a better system focusing on games and their gameplay (maybe with some real motion sensing device.....)
I was wondering which are the games that were really able to frighten you most thanks to both impressive creepy visuals and sounds, games where the overall atmosphere was so dark and the background sounds/music so creepy you really didn't want to turn a corner as something terrible would have been hiding in the shadows. any ideas? I think that Condemned is the one that impressed me most till now but I am curious to see if there is something even scarier around!
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