What is this, the EA hate thread? I for one couldn't be happier that Battlefront 3 is in DICE's hands. People hate on EA all the time, and while it's true that they're guilty of some profiteering BS, they also have really good developers such as DICE and Bioware. So be happy that Battlefront 3 is finally here! This game was my childhood.
So here's the thing, both MSoft and Sony were trying to be dev-friendly by preventing used games sales. Now that Microsoft has completely reversed that policy, I can't help but wonder if they're going to suffer from a lack of games. The PS4 is just more appealing to developers who want to, you know, make money from all of the work they put into games instead of being screwed over by stores like Gamestop and Best Buy who facilitate the used games market.
@azureblade89 @meleekill989 I don't even own a pc gaming rig. I currently own a 360 AND a PS3. So I'd consider my horizons fairly broad. I'm just stirring the cauldron so to speak...
All of this debate begs the question: are you letting yourself get sucked into hype?
@erMonezza @meleekill989 People just need to realize that everything said on Twitter is a direct, unfiltered statement from a single person who may or may not represent the opinions of the company or group that they are a part of. Naughty Dog has had a ton of success already and they're still making quality games without the constant hype of other AAA studios (looking at you, EA). I think this whole situation has been blown out of proportion.
And hey, Microsoft's publicity dept. never tried to change public opinion on the whole #dealwithit situation. That's their own fault, and they'll suffer for it in the end when Infinity goes to market. A perfect example of a single person's Twitter comment affecting an entire company.
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