@Mega_Loser @Total_mischief Sure, and I can totally respect that. I hate games that end up being a cakewalk, or generic. But people are getting all up in arms about this "Focus" feature, and we have essentially a hands-off preview demo and a teaser trailer so far to judge this game by. And the whole third-person thing? Is that really a dealbreaker? I mean, people are already saying they won't buy it, or that it's not for them. Why would you make that decision at this point?
@bouff @meleekill989 Firstly, I never said it was only for kids. I said it has a specific target audience. Furthermore, you just called it mindless and dumb. So what are all of you expecting from this new iteration? An intellectual commentary on modern society with high-level math puzzles? Again, if you enjoy it, more power to you! But I don't know why you would bother reviewing it from the perspective of someone who also plays games like Bioshock Infinite and Portal 2 (i.e., an adult).
@ExtremePhobia I never said that the review should be written by or for 9-year-olds. I was simply commenting that Mr. Mc Shea's issues with this upcoming game make no sense when you realize who the game is actually for. Would it be great if the Lego games suddenly became fun and varied enough to satisfy more adults? Yes. Can you do that and still make the game appeal to kids? Possibly. Is Lego likely to do that, given that it will cost them a lot more money and probably not win them enough adult customers to justify the changes from a moneymaking perspective? Nope.
Looks great to me. I've never played either of the Thief games.
Perhaps that's a good thing seeing as how so many of you are fearful that this game will be too "modernized" or "different" from the Thief that you know and love. A lot of people seem to think that this game will be bad because it won't live up to standards that were preconceived back in 2004.
It is now 2013. While I do agree that the game should avoid being too derivative of the games that it inspired, nine years of advancing technology and changes to the video game industry are going to have an effect whether fans of the original Thief(s) like it or not.
So judge this game on its own merits. I'm not saying it will be great or awful. But don't let your opinions of the game or your decision on whether or not to buy it hinge on the fact that it's different in some ways from the game you played nine. years. ago.
I've always wondered why adults review children's games. Believe it or not, hardcore gamers are not the target audience of Lego video games. The target audience is children who play with Legos, or like superheroes (in this case). Preferably children who both play with Legos and like superheroes. Which is a lot of children.
Thus I fail to see the point in critiquing a game like this from an adult's point of view. Will it probably be derivative and "nothing new" like many of the Lego games before it? Yes. But Lego is a company, and companies exist to make money from their target audiences. If you enjoy it, great. If not, too bad - your kids probably will.
Really wish we could have seen a game where you play as the Helghan this time around. It's high time that FPS games start switching things up, and if Killzone is the first to start, excellent.
Excellent atmosphere, outstanding sound design, but they left out any sort of objective. Why? Halfway through this review and I'm already wondering why a game with such potential squandered it on being a work of art rather than a game. Now, you can call art house games like this "innovative" and "expressive" all you like, but the fact is they're boring. I look at this review and see what could have been, if only the creativity had gone a step further.
Much like staring at an oil painting for an hour, IPs like Proteus are fine on artistic merits, but they aren't truly video games. I wish that this game would have incorporated some sort of payoff. Something else to draw an audience in and immerse them in the obviously beautiful world that the developer created.
But you don't innovate in video games by removing the "game" from the "video". You innovate by pushing the "game" in unusual directions. Change the gameplay. But don't stuff an oil painting into the il-fitted trappings of a video game.
meleekill989's comments