I've seen people sit down and write a novel that spans thousands of pages. Everything in there is of their own creation (actually they piggyback), but the content within sucks. That's why skill matters. It's nice he's getting experience but to be honest, he'd be better off learning new things that will later turn into the skills he needs, not feeding ignorance of his own ability.
@jrcast84 @malokevi It might be more along the lines of different scenarios within a set story. So choose to help this person and you go to them with a warehouse. Choose to abandon them and you go to an office alone. The ending is the same but the info you have and thus the meaning of things is different. Something like what the Witcher did. At least, that's what I got from the IGN interview.
Welcome to the internet, where stupid people reside and convince themselves they are not stupid with a distinct lack of research, critical thinking and self-awareness.
@jrcast84 @mellow09 I'd be more interested in D4, to be honest. But I probably won't grab the x1. Maybe I'll watch gameplay of this stuff on youtube. Since they're both so cutscene heavy I'll get a general experience.
In case you guys are wondering what in the world this game actually is: It's a choose your own adventure story. Each choice results in a different "television show" that introduces you to a new chapter of the story somehow integrating gameplay. Best way to think of it is this: You make choices, you get a new cutscene, play game. Very groundbreaking. Not at all stupid that microsoft convinced them to say TV show (still don't know what went through their head when they designed a game console and wondered want people would want to do with it and thought 'watch TV shows').
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