@SergioMX @Darkefka Actually, the market is fairly similar. You get more turnaround in games because they have no wear, but that alos allows for more Add-on sales by publishers (toys, DLC, etc).
Hell, the automotive industry was strongest when cars lasted 2 or so years, because of the high turnaround. It'll probably be the same with games, the highlight being a few years ago.
@Jamesp2005 Ever since EA did that Gamestops profit took a dive. Not only that but the games that did that also took a dive in sales. Only EA's flagship franchise has been able to sustain the model, whereas games like UFC bombed and had to switch to two year release cycles. Most games that come out with this feature abondon it within months. No joke. It doesn't work.
Just this one idea shows how unbelievably shallow the industry is.
@redikan Except used games do support the industry. In the very simplest sense, used games allow for franchises (hence why we have so many franchises now). In the broader sense, DLC allows for one disk to generate over a hundred dollars of profit.
@FAIL_TR0LL @slicedbread117 It'll be released within two months of being announced. It's a good marketing strategy. You get the initial buyers. Two months after it's out and sales die off you get E3 to bump the sales back up. And you'll be out before microsoft plus have a bigger library for the holiday buyers.
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