@torrne667 A few years ago Gamespot started churning out articles about immersion every couple of hours or so. It was an incredibly enjoyable time in my life. I got to read articles about how the latest Square-Enix game let you dye your hair pink and wear a dress. Immersive right? Or how there was this game called Heavy Rain where you had to press the shoulder buttons--right for your right leg, left for your left leg--to walk. So, now you could walk in the game world just like in real life, fun right? Obviously, I was glad when those articles stopped popping up, and unfortunately, I have to say, Immersion is the answer to your ponder. Deadly Premonition is immersive. It's almost as if the game were designed with two questions: How do we tell a good story, and how do we make the player feel like they're there.
They succeeded in both points, but the limited budget shows. The story is top notch. Twists and turns. Tugging points and Wow moments. Moments that would come out of the latest dirty fiction literary novel. And moments that would come out of the latest Bruce Campbell movie.
As far as immersion. The gun-play sucks. But it moves in close and and it almost becomes a, terrible, first person shooter. And the unique design decisions, IE the way you aimed, you think a little differently than in other games, and that broke the initial dampening stereotype.Other things too, going around the world. Shaving. Taking any car you wanted. Doing missions whenever you wanted. Changing clothes. Being asked questions and directly talked to on a constant basis. They all work to immerse you in the right way. Granted, you may not get immersed. there is a point very early on that will either make you or break you. I don't know if you can get back in if you're broken. But if you're made, you're in and it becomes a very personal game with a very great plot to make that personal journey all the more powerful.
If he played games, games had a part in developing his psyche. But to insinuate that games are largely responsible for that psyche is absurd. Games, in essence, are made to pander to already conceived bias.
@endorbr Why would they grow up with you? Nintendo isn't a person, it's a company. You get older you enjoy new things. That's life. Nintendo at least gets that it shouldn't abandon what works. Right now new children are playing their games and getting that feeling you had. It's a good feeling no? Why should they stop?
I like that he makes it look like Nintendo is doomed, all the while their Wii just sold 100 million units. The DS 140 million. If I had that kind of failure and someone told me what he's saying--especially with such uneducated and informed guile--I'd laugh his ass right out of the office.
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