Bit hypocritical when they talk about rank swelling and the cutting of staff when the project is done in relation to Microsoft when they are now with Activation, a company that cut 600 jobs just shy of a year ago.
@trastamad03 @Zorphose @JKnaperek @jhonMalcovich Blind Bliz hate? Um, it's a CGI. He said it's a good CGI. I'm gonnna go ahead and say you're the one with the blind Bliz love for attributing more to it than it is.
"Imagine being able to stream the latest PlayStation 4 release directly to your Vita."
- Delusional. Sony won't even let the Vita play ps2 games and your theorizing about playing ps4 games on it. Digital products give you less, and the things we dream of happening are not going to happen. Aside from being able to get something whilst on your couch, digital sucks.
Consoles are not going away. And if you step to the right I'll show you to a document entitled "How to destroy gaming" First step, never cut prices. Ever. Step two, Block used games. Step three, reassure everyone that nothing is a failure until 5-10 years have passed.
They sold 2.2 million in a year. Have like 5 games coming out in the next four months. Refuse to slash prices. Refuse to put ps2 on it. And aren't working toward putting gaming apps on there. And they didn't even bring it up during last years E3, they rather talked about the move (which is discontinued) It doesn't take 5-10 years to see if something is successful, and it doesn't take that long to see if it's a failure.
I have a Kindle Fire, and a Vita. I love a couple of games for the Vita, and soul sacrifice could be great. But I see myself using the Kindle Fire way more, even for gaming, in the long run.
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