@Gr3gSolidus @vault-boy @FSgamer Almost every single game is profitable. Very, very, very, very few games are not. I think it's pretty darn sustainable. . . . which is why the gaming industry is growing.
@Gr3gSolidus @Veziron I obviously don't know, know. But I see precedence, games that sell with a guarantee of no used sales don't have any more money poured in than games w/o guarantee. Like, Drm pc games, download only games.
That and every single time I've seen a dev or publisher complain, it's not been to the tune of making a better game, it's been in direct reference to profit.
@shadowhunter0 @SolidTy Solid's right. There are alot of patents out there, just for the sake of maybe someone might use it. But most of those are ideas, not something with an actual working model. Doesn't mean it'll be used in an extreme sense, but if you think Sony's not going to do something, after investing in it over and over., then you're going to be wrong. Sony has already tried to use the GO, to undermine used games, after all.
@RJnumba1 @MW2ismygame @Atalalama @SuperShyGuy9000 They'd only do that as a last ditch effort, at a point when Sony would be already screwed.
Sony isn't, what one would call, a fast acting, adaptable company. Hell, look at the Vita, it's doing terrible and instead of a price drop, they do what they always do, keep it at a high price. Bundle it.
I dunno, just knowing this makes me not want a ps4. I'm just really uncomfortable with the knowledge that at any given time Sony can implement something like this, and I'm screwed. Tough thing to have on the plate.
@iminsanescott @GamerLegend10 They are definitely not dropping the price. If they can get more money from you, they will.
Think of it this way. If they know you own a game, and can never really sell it. Chances are they'll be able to squeeze a lot more money out of you than before. Either with DLC, or with an initial cost, or in game purchases.
@Celsius765 Why is this even in the conversation. There's nothing even wrong with buying used games. Not legally, and not in a business. Hell, specialty stores that sell used games are one of the major reasons that industry is growing.
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