Just think of the lawsuits that will arise, and the arguments made for this type of business. The way the publishers and developers have to explain what the customer really owns.
"Well see judge, we actually charged 60 bucks so that someone has access to the content of this disk. Even though they own it, the content they access, yeah that's ours. And yes that means at any given time we can just say too bad, we don't want you to play this and block it. But what they really bought was this round disk that cost us 2 cents.
And if they find that unfair, we have a vague detailing of this in the manual that the customer can find online, though the game, once they buy it."
@LetterZero Best game I've played this gen was Deadly Premonition, released new for 20 bucks. But it's a poor quality game, and for that reason you will never see a game, even slightly major, release at less than its current cost. Hell, even wii games, which take a few months to make, come out at 50 bucks.
And the business goes boom. Seriously, between this and the Vita (which I have) Sony seems to want to die.
At the very base, used games are why franchises are born, because people can pick up a previous installment used, with less risk and for less money, and then when a new game comes around they'll buy it new (usually). Take that away, just that one aspect, and devs are going to see a lot less game sales, in the long run.
Let's look at Australia. Gun advocates like to bring it up because they 'banned' guns and their total crime has increased. But lets see what really happened.(I've already stated these figures before, but in a response and I'd like to see what you guys think, rationally.)
- Australia has a higher total assault count: 171,000 (2010) vs. 114,000 (1996). But because populations grow, the rate is 640/100,000 (1996) vs 760/100,000 (2010).
So even the rate went up.
- Total homicides are 354 (1996) vs. 260 (2010). Its current rate is 1/100,000, which is one of the lowest in the WORLD.
- Sexual assault has a rate of 110 (1996) vs. 80 (2010).
- Total robbery dropped from 16,000 to 14,000. As you can imagine, the rate dropped.
- Total crime is 145,902 (1996) vs. 204,285 (2010). A 40% increase in total. And because population increases over time the rate of total crime is 1.3% (1996) vs. 1% (2002). So that dropped.
So ask yourself, would you rather have more assault and less murder, rape, robbery and total crime at a lower rate. Or less assault more, assuming, more murder, rape and robbery.
I know the US is pretty incompetent, after all it took only a few shootings in Australia for them to go into action and we have a mass murder at a rate of once very two weeks and we're going to propose adding guns . . . But, think about it.
@noah364 @ellzhimself We have a murder rate of 4.2/100,000 people. Middle of the pack, in terms of coutntries around the world. But by far higher than any other 1st world country. In terms of the ones he listed. UK is the second highest, with 1.2.
Dude, he got the gun from his mother collection . . . are you suggesting that his mother, a teacher, would have guns during a gun ban? Or are you implying that she is a criminal?
. . . this is what happens when you focus on the guy shooting, and not the people being shot. You think about how to stop him and think OH GUN, duh! Instead of thinking about ways to keep the people being shot, from being shot.
PS Because you don't seem to have even looked at the numbers you spout:
- Australia has a higher total assault count: 171,000 (2010) vs. 114,000 (1996). But because populations grow, the rate is 640/100,000 (1996) vs 760/100,000 (2010). So even the rate went up.
- Total homicides are 354 (1996) vs. 260 (2010). Its current rate is 1/100,000, which is one of the lowest in the WORLD.
- Sexual assault has a rate of 110 (1996) vs. 80 (2010).
- Total robbery dropped from 16,000 to 14,000. As you can imagine, the rate dropped.
- Total crime is 145,902 (1996) vs. 204,285 (2010). A 40% increase in total. And because population increases over time the rate of total crime is 1.3% (1996) vs. 1% (2002). Oh look . . .it went down.
(for people who actually read what they talk about http://www.aic.gov.au/documents/0/B/6/%7B0B619F44-B18B-47B4-9B59-F87BA643CBAA%7Dfacts11.pdf
So, I assume you mean to say that you'd rather have less assault than less murder, rape, robbery and total crime at a lower rate. Now, who is the 'asshat?'
Hahaha, that has to be the worst bundle I've ever seen. The model no one wants (because phones allow unlimited wifi). A launch game. A 4gb memory card can't even hold the games on the PS plus. And it's even more expensive than any other version.
Hint to sony: make it cheep to move units and you want have to give stuff away.
mellow09's comments