How drunk do you have to be to write an article with less information.
(This just in! Bob Elger thinks the video game industry is on it's last legs!
Bob, local delivery boy and regular at the GS HQ doesn't think the video game industry is strong. He believes the lack of killer software and long live-cycle may have killed gaming enthusiasm for the average gamer.
To quote, "Yeah, I don't play video games much anymore." When probed, "Nothing really catches my eye, and I think alot of people are like that now."
Stay tuned for important updates!
Six beers on that one. And, sigh, that was more informative. My guess is thirteen beers.
@MrMan2000 THIS JUST IN. John Timmerberry thinks the video game industry is going to crash soon. Read ahead to see who this guy is and watch me quote him saying just that, and nothing more.- Sign, Gamespot.
It's funny in a sad way. GS's news archive reminds me of the Wii's library.
Well, guess I'm not getting a next gen system. If games are going to come out slower than now, at a higher price (and I assume even more mainstream to appeal to masses) then I don't want to be any part of it.
So thank you Epic for being incredibly stupid again.
"Anyone familiar with the series won't find anything new here that warrants slogging through the game YET again."
Please, tell me how much you enjoy these games. I'm dying to hear. And oh do tell me about the quality of a DEMO packaged in. Maybe if you preemptively complain about that in enough places Konami will pay you more in advertisement.
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