@FandomTheory You can't feasibly keep all those types of games and still have a marketable environment. Shit, those types of games aren't popular anymore and I can't imagine them making anything but a loss on them.
Regardless, Gamestop is a large corperation. The US government wouldn't let them go under.
@billlabowski Digital, it's new...ish and SHINY! So shinny that some people forget that it gives you less, but isn't cheaper. Hell, it's more expensive. But so shinny.
Digital Content generates more profit. It isn't more popular, it isn't better, and the more they go digital the less consumers they'll have. But profit vs. cost will look great. This has nothing to do with what people want, it's a bull rhetoric game they're playing and I'm honestly sick of Gamestop writing these crap dime a dozen articles about it.
Do written works expand? Yes, the written word is more honest, and that makes it more layered. That was easy.
Are these written works written well? Hahaha, no. I can find more in three pages of literary fiction vs. a 400 page halo novel.
Does that mean they shouldn't exists? Eh, no. The avg. High schooler in the US reads at a fifth grade level . . . let that sink in. Avg. adult, eighth grade. And even though those books and games pander to that audience/are from that audience at least they let them read something.
Is this kinda depressing? Yes, but this is the US! Slightly less than mediocre Ho!
I love my vita, but right now I've hardly played any vita games. And those games are ports. I've honestly spent more time playing older games on the PSN, or the random new release they actually put on the network (like unchained blades--which rocks).
That's not good. People see that high price point and few games and think it's really not worth it right now. I would agree, few people would find it worth it.
@DrBhup Please, for the love of God don't buy DOA. I really don't want to hear someone this stupid in one of the lobbies. Nor, I imagine, does anyone else.
@W-immus Hahaha, Doa 4 is better, in many ways, than TTT2. Which in itself is hardly an upgrade over Tekken 6. Hell, if we released TTT2 but it wasn't a Tekken game you and everyone else would be calling it mediocre.
mellow09's comments