@chimpdaddy I'm a writer. I know copywrite law like the back of my hand. Eula does not say you can't sell or own used games. You may think they say that, but they don't. To break the Eula one would have to copy the game software from a product you purchased. That is NOTHING like used games. Again, please do some reading before you talk about this stuff, you're really off here.
@Chimpdaddy You don't know the difference between pricy . . . and used games? Theft . . . and owning secondhand. Is that not a sign that you shouldn't be on here talking, but rather doing a little reading? And there are used PC games, its just not a lot of people will buy them because of the risk involved with not knowing what someone did to the disk contents.
Nintendo is laughing its ass off. All the publishers that refused to make games for the Wii will have to make games for the WiiU, because it'll be the only console with over 5 million sold.
What a stupid fury over nothing. All professions take criticism, the more public the more personal. That's how it is, and should be in order to drive satisfaction. That said, I am a lit short story writer. This is how I make my living, and I even think what Hepler said is stupid. It's particularly ironic, which is likely why Hepler received so much hate, because this person who is championing game as art/ equality of combat + story writes as well as my undergrad students.
mellow09's comments