@trueepower44 Your post is heavily biased. The PvP sucks because the combat sucks. The character customization is average in the genre. The questing is generic and ahs NOTHING new in it, at least some MMOs come up with at least one new idea. The graphics are not the best, in fact they look horrible compared to Archeage and even the old Age of Conan was better. And as I stated above, the combat is horrible to anyone that has played more than just a few MMOs in the past.
Giving this game a 6 was generous because its the first MMO in a while that has not brought a single new idea to the genre.
@Hiraishin There are no repercussions, no guards to arrest you or stop you. Please, make an excuse for that so I can point out the MMO that DOES have repercussions.
Your making excuses for the piss poor MMO designs are based on your ignorance of the MMO market and the reason why this game was made so bland, because the developers are counting on the clueless to keep playing it.
@bfeinberg @Smintar Congrats, you are so stupid you missed his point.
"take Archeage OPENWORLD". He didn't say take the entire game, just the OPEN WORLD which is exactly what Elder Scrolls is, an OPEN WORLD.
ESO was made the way it was because the developers are idiots that don't know how to make a game other than Dark Age of Camelot, splitting the world into pieces to keep races apart. A design they then betrayed with their pre-order gifts of getting around that very design.
There was no point in not making the game with an open world. In fact, there was no point in making the game so damn bland and not the least bit innovating. This game should have been given to someone like Raph Koster who has a clue about making good MMOs and has the ability to come up with new ideas for gameplay.
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