The side of me[[in a dress blech] You will never I repeat never harly see. Lucky you
Many Kudo's to Chelsea[Kataang4eva081] for this awesome speech that is soooo hilarious
Taang: Will not and can not happen. Unless Toph would like to have a one sided relationship, then Taang won't happen. Ever since the glorious beginning of Avatar, has liked and now he loves Katara. Aang loves Katara, K...A...T...A...R...A. And since when did Toph show any sign of romantic feelings toward Aang? Oh wait was it when she flung him up into that tree? Oh no it must have been when she rolled a boulder toward him and then yelled the crap out of him when he jumped out of the way. She isn't exactly the first person you think of when you hear the word "romantic" or "love" or "ship". It's just not happening.
Zutara: Oh boy. Katara isn't exactly excited that Zuko pretty much almost killed her and Aang. And now he's with Azula, that'll make it better. In the crystal cave thingy, I agree that she definatley saw the real Zuko and what he's been through, but she didn't immediatley go to "OMG, I love you, marry me!" And now, becuase of his betrayal, she's hating him right now. The farthest they will ever get is "Oh hey, hows it going" and they will have an understanding of each other. Just becuase they're "opposittes" doesn't mean they have to fall in love, Zutarians, ever heard of compatibility? They are so far apart it's not even funny. I just really can't contimplate how those two could really ever get together, just way to farfetched and crazy. If we can recall, "Go jump in the river!", yep, I can feel the love flowing.
(trumpets sound) Kataang: The creators have been hinting at this from, oh, the very first few minutes. They aren't going to just shoot down two seasons of this relationship. That would be stupid, and Avatar isn't stupid. And please, people, we all know that Katara had some sort of vague idea of what Aang was going to tell her in "The Earth King". "Katara I..." what else was he going to say? Katara I like cereal. And then she frowned, and then she kissed him on the cheek. Ok, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Aang was going to say. Girls, if a guy walks up to you whom you've known for a long time, blushes, tells you he wants to tell you something for a long time and then says Kathy I... and then gets rudely interrupted, well, I mean come on, this isn't rocket science. Aang is in love with Katara, and Katara is at least very close to him. Its only a matter of time. I don't want them to get all kissy-kissy, but just for Katara to know his feelings and for her and to tell him how she feels. Creators are never wrong, some people still need to realize this.
You know how I leave for Florida sunday? Well were flying and I am scared have any of you ever flew before I haven't and like is scary? please respond
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