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merdok2005 Blog

GRRRR... family!

Well if most of you don't know, I am more of a tomboy than anything. Around football season I am glued to the TV with my dad and know everything about football, I am just not that much of a girly girl. Well my mom wants me to be like every darn Prep at my school. and I just don't want to be.

Well we are going out for lunch and do some errands and I was in the bathroom straighting my hair and my mom walked by and said "You aren't doing it right and I was to my opinion so she had to come in there and my my hair look absoulutly perfect and I said"Hair shouldn't have to take this long to do". And then she screamed and then finally said "You don't care what others think I wouldn't be suprised if you turned out gay

I got sooooo mad and almost cried. I mean when I get ready I put on make-up and do my hair but I am not so much a girly girl. It made me soooo mad. In my room I have posters galore Zac Efron, Cole Sprouse, Cody Linely, Orlando Bloom and she sits there and calls me gay Yea If I was gay i wouldn't have those oh so adorable posters on my wall. Ugh. She can just get over herself.

Summer days are so boring....

I am so bored I unistalled GIMP cause it wasn't working well and I dont like that program at all. But I want to show youh the siggie nighteh made for me

I love the wordds!!!

I also put the words on my little blog thingy and if some reads this who has the mad sig and banner skills can they make me a Maizu, Yuokka, Kataang on it please oh please!

I have made so minor renovations to my profile...Well like I said boring blog.

Looking at the bright side of things...

Well even though I am still on level one I am as happy as I can be; this is the longest glitch evr I am level 8 not level 1 stupid computer; oh well I least I have my friends:D

I have to say...MY AWS HAS GONE A LITTLE BIT AWAY...yea I know what your thinkin...this girl has gone cure you ask? I have found sooooo many spoilers by watching reruns...for the boy in the iceberg, the iceberg [if you look at it kinda sideways] looks like a head, with smoke coming up that looks like hairloopies. There is soooo many more...that aren't kataang related:oops: Also I have realized that most of us are out of school for the summer and summer flys oh so fast and were expecting season three Late July, August? we know not september cause thats canada's date/ So I will enjoy the summer and when the dreaded school comes back we have avatar see not tobad mere huh?

Mere's weird thought of the day//~*~

Have you ever wondered if one of us has passed one another in public and not known it...It weirds me out...not in a bad...just knowing it's a small world :) I mean I know a lot of people that live in VA or DC or around there. I go to Virginia Tech in Blacksburg almost every month so it isn't possible last summer I went to DC...It just makes wonder

End of Mere's weird though//~*~

Pics from Florida

Universal thingy

Cloud from the airplane

Me at the lake at city walk

Sitting at City Walk

My BFF and I riding the Caro-Suess-El hehe Fun stuff

Walking to city walk one night

Partay Time!!!

I am on the right standing in front of Universal

Beautiful pic tooken by me

I am bac~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~

Yes, I know you all have missed me so, I AM BAC FROM FLORIDA~~~!!!~~~ I was highly amused at the airplane it was soooooo much fun!!! Did you know those planes go 500 miles per hour? Well we got in orlando about 9:00 AM and to my BFF and I surprise a limo picked us up at the airport and I am like Woah~~~!!!~~~ Well I got to the Universal and we checked in and unpacked our bags and went to the parks and rode all these rides that were soooo fun and so then I saw w

WAIT:::: nEWS~~~~!!!~?????~?~?~?~?!!!!!

"On to info: I will releasing 308's title in a couple weeks, with the Avatar Shipping Special podcast. Look out soon for the guessing game! We may or may not release 306 and 309 before the season begins. Maybe 306 will be a gift the day that season 3 starts. We'll see. And I'm going to try to get some real info here soon as well" blog


Yay okay back to my trip oh well with that it was fun, couldn't find any avatar stuff and we came back safely and I am here for good!!! Well I will see you on here and see you around the forums!

goodbye all.

This is the morning I leave for florida I will miss you all so much and I will be back at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. I am going to buy loads of avatar stuff I will miss you all and I will talk to you later!!!

I have caught the survey sickness

1.) Are your parents married or divorced? Still married after 15 years .

2.) Are you a vegetarian? No. cant live without chicken tenders

3.) Do you believe in Heaven? Yes, most Christians do

4.) Have you ever come close to dying? I've sprained my wrist, but that's the worst damage done

5.) What jewerly do you wear? Those 80's florescent long necklaces, those hard fat, bracelets that are colorful. That it.
6.) Favorite time of day? Night of course.

7.) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? I don't eat any vegetable except potato's and I LOVE SPINACH DIP~!.

8.) Do you wear makeup? A yup yup
9.) Ever had plastic surgery? No.

10.) Do you color your hair? I have dark brown hair with light brown highlights

11.) What do you wear in bed? Pajamiz!

12.) Have you ever done anything illegal? Nope

13.) Can you roll your tounge? Yea

14.) Do you tweeze your eyebrows? no

15.) What kind of sneakers? Converse, Skechers, vans, but mostly FLIP FLOPS!

16.) What is your hair color? Dark Brown

17.) Future Child's Name? I like Layden for a boy, and Gracie, or Mckenzie for a girl
18.) Do you snore? Yea so says my parents

19.) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? A cruise to anywhere but here
20.) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yea all the time. I cant sleep without them yea I know it is kind of weird for a high school freshman to sleep wwith them but oh well

21.) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? I don't know really I would probably buy a new car for my parents, college money, and just relax till something comes by that I really want.

22.) Gold or silver? Silver
23.) Hamburger or hot dog? Hot dog.

24.) City, beach, or country? Beach for sure.

25.) If you could eat onefoodfor the rest ofyour life, what would it be? French fries and ranch dressing

26.) What was the last thing you touched? The button named d

27.) Where did you eat last? Last nite at O'charleys very good meal...Barbecue Chicken and fries

28.) When was the last time you cried? Ummmm...yesterday cause of some SOL scores of mine that came in the mail...wasn't so pretty

29.) Do you read blogs? Obviously.

30.) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? For fun with some friends just being stupid I may but on a regular basis no.

31.) Ever been involved with the police? Nope.

32.) What's your favorite shampoo conditioner and soap?. Anything and everything Bath and Body works.

33.) Do you talk in your sleep? Yea and walk sometimes

34.) Ocean or pool? Both

35.) Window seat or aisle? Window!!!
36.) Ever met anyone famous? Hilary Duff.

37.) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? I haven't finished life.

38.) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Don't eat spegethhi
39.) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Dr. Phil

40.) Basketball or Football? Football GO HOKIES!!!!!! GO VT!!!!

41.) How long do your showers last? I guess about 15 minutes.

42.) Automatic or drive a stick? Well usually 14 years don't have their learners oh well

43.) Cake or ice cream? Cake but It has to be white cake, and if I do have ice cream its is either, Vanilla, or birthday cake flavored.

44.) Are you self-conscious? Yea I guess.

46.) Have you ever given money to a homeless person? When we were in new york last Summer I did it all the time
47.) Have you been in love? I thought I was but really love doesn't exist marriage. Take it from someone who thought they were in love but a few later my poor heart was broken

48.) Where do you wish you were? In Florida, I leave tomorrow!!!!!

49.) Are you wearing socks? No barefoot just got out of bed
50.) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No.

51.) Can you tango? No.

52.) Las gift you've recieved? $20 from grandparents and a Wii from parents

53.) Last sport you played? Well band camp is in a few weeks and to tell you the truth I don't play sports, I know all about them though you can ask me anything about football and I'll answer.

54.) What's the one thing you couldn't live without? Computer, friends, parents, Avatar, TV, Disney, Band, and

55.) Where do you live? Bristol, VA
56.) Where were you born? In a hospital

57.) Last Wedding Attended? Ummm...august 9th 2006 wow I am good with dates...
58.) Favorite fast food restaurant? Burger King, Arby's, wendy's, taco bell, Hardee's, Jersey Mikes, and Pal's. I HATE MCDONALD'S!!!!!!
59.) Most hated food? Any kind of fruit or stupid vegetables except potato's and spinach dip
60.) What is your least favorite film? Pink Panther. OMG that was sooooo freaking boring. My friend was like OMG this is hilarious but no it wasn't.
61.) Can you sing? ya
62.) Last person you IMed? My bestest friend Morgan.

63.) Last place you went on holiday? I went to the lake on Memorial day! My holiday begins tommowrow.

64.) Favorite regular drink? Cherry Coke

65.) Current Crush? Cody Linely, Orlando Bloom, Jesse McCartney, Zac Efron, Tyson Ritter. Yah. But for people at my my town...not saying...hehe

The album of meredith. Tons of kudo'.


The side of me[[in a dress blech] You will never I repeat never harly see. Lucky you


Many Kudo's to Chelsea[Kataang4eva081] for this awesome speech that is soooo hilarious

Taang: Will not and can not happen. Unless Toph would like to have a one sided relationship, then Taang won't happen. Ever since the glorious beginning of Avatar, has liked and now he loves Katara. Aang loves Katara, K...A...T...A...R...A. And since when did Toph show any sign of romantic feelings toward Aang? Oh wait was it when she flung him up into that tree? Oh no it must have been when she rolled a boulder toward him and then yelled the crap out of him when he jumped out of the way. She isn't exactly the first person you think of when you hear the word "romantic" or "love" or "ship". It's just not happening.

Zutara: Oh boy. Katara isn't exactly excited that Zuko pretty much almost killed her and Aang. And now he's with Azula, that'll make it better. In the crystal cave thingy, I agree that she definatley saw the real Zuko and what he's been through, but she didn't immediatley go to "OMG, I love you, marry me!" And now, becuase of his betrayal, she's hating him right now. The farthest they will ever get is "Oh hey, hows it going" and they will have an understanding of each other. Just becuase they're "opposittes" doesn't mean they have to fall in love, Zutarians, ever heard of compatibility? They are so far apart it's not even funny. I just really can't contimplate how those two could really ever get together, just way to farfetched and crazy. If we can recall, "Go jump in the river!", yep, I can feel the love flowing.

(trumpets sound) Kataang: The creators have been hinting at this from, oh, the very first few minutes. They aren't going to just shoot down two seasons of this relationship. That would be stupid, and Avatar isn't stupid. And please, people, we all know that Katara had some sort of vague idea of what Aang was going to tell her in "The Earth King". "Katara I..." what else was he going to say? Katara I like cereal. And then she frowned, and then she kissed him on the cheek. Ok, it doesn't take a genius to figure out what Aang was going to say. Girls, if a guy walks up to you whom you've known for a long time, blushes, tells you he wants to tell you something for a long time and then says Kathy I... and then gets rudely interrupted, well, I mean come on, this isn't rocket science. Aang is in love with Katara, and Katara is at least very close to him. Its only a matter of time. I don't want them to get all kissy-kissy, but just for Katara to know his feelings and for her and to tell him how she feels. Creators are never wrong, some people still need to realize this.


You know how I leave for Florida sunday? Well were flying and I am scared have any of you ever flew before I haven't and like is scary? please respond