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merdok2005 Blog

Sorry guys!!!

I have been really busy lately. Yea I know it summer schools out...well we leave for Florida Sunday so I have been busy Helping pack, and wash clothes. ugh. I was lucky yesterday when my mom woke me out of bed to go to Johnson City, Tennesse[Has a huge malll :)] and we ate at a really good place. And when we weren't getting ready for florida we have been over at my grandmothers swimming in her huge in ground eight foot deep pool. And then the time I've had time to get on the computer I have been busy making AMV request fufilled and I had like a few minutes last night so I got to post on the character relationship discussion and got to argue for my dear Kataang's sake lol. Sorry If you thought I fell off a cliff and died cause I'm here. And should be here the pretty much whole day...

Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone. please help me!

I need your help bad...People have forgotten about the child abuse awarness that needs to have supporters please watch this video I made and Embed, show friends, and post links on ANY site. This needs to be spread and EVERYONE needs to watch Remember this is for the sake of kids who need loving I need support and it to be spread. I had a reason to make this that I can't mention and I need prayers and it to be spread thanks,,,Meredith.

Wow a Kataang clock hehe this is sooooo cool!

Also I am free at last god almighty I am free at last school let out tuesday!!!! Summer vacation for three whole freakin months of the computer, vacation, and band camp Yay me



SPOILERs hehe!!!!

"I went to the con on the Saturday! I'll have pictures up soon (I'm scanning them right now), but here's the 'report':

The ATLA video showing was exactly what they said it would (minus the S3 preview they promised earlier). They showed:
- 4 episodes (Lake Laogai, The Earth King, The Guru and The Crossroads of Destiny)
- 5 Escape From the Spirit World Animated Comics (the initial meeting with Yue and the ones with Avatars Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen)
- The advertisements for the video game (1st one, I believe) and Book 2 DVDs (1 and 2)
- 2 chibi shorts - new ones! They're called 'Bender Battle' and 'Swamp Skiin' Throwover' (or something like that for the second one) I'm very sorry I couldn't get video of it, guys! My video camera died, and my cell only takes 15s of video = They were hilarious, and I promise you they won't disappoint when they come out (shouldn't be much later, I hope). The second one was the Sokka-based one that M&B mentioned in the interview, the first featured the GAang, Zuko, and Iroh.

It was fun to watch on the big screen, and the crowd of Avatar fans present was fun =] There was a Nick official there, and some cosplayers (of whom I was one - my first cosplay ever). It was a blast - the cosplays were rewarded with posters ('Avatar Aang'). We had present a Zuko, two Aangs, a Katara, a Toph, two Sukis (only one was at the video showing though), and two Azulas (one Dai Li outfit and one FN outfit - I was the DL girl, the second Azula wasn't at the video room showing, I met her outside Tim Horton's). Also, the Nick official confirmed the month Avatar S3 would air on YTV - September. He took photos, and I hope they'll feature in the ATLA-dedicated Nick mag that they say will be out in fall. They gave out prizes for trivia - an S1 DVD boxset, four books (I was sitting at the back, but it looked like the Lost Scrolls) and some other stuff (per prize pack).

At the con itself, there was sadly very little ATLA merch (exception being some of the S1 DVDs, and a couple of buttons, one of which I purchased =]), but the best part of the con for me was phototaking. It was absolutely amazing - I got stopped over twenty five times during the con for pictures. I was absolutely thrilled at the number of people that recognized me as an Avatar character, because it showed how many Avatards we have up north =] Seriously, I'm so very proud of the show.

What I missed:
On Friday, an Avatar panel occurred. I only could go Saturday, so I've no clue what was shown, if anything. All it said in the program book for a description was "I can't believe it's not Japanese!"
Also, there was apparently an Avatar role-play going on at the same time as the videos. No info on that, but I'll see if anyone attended and try to get some info.

It was my first convention and my first time cosplaying, so I was a little unprepared, but the next time, if I get to go, I'll have a more thorough report for you guys =] Expect the cosplay photos up shortly! "


this is guy posted this on DH

Im a super friend!

Wow I moved up one complete level from level 7 22% to level 8 24% Yay me did I also mention this is my 50th blog???? Yay!!!!!! Yea this is short but who gives a care on to level 9!!!!Lets have a partayyyyyy!!!

It's over. SO SAD. :( will you sign?


Its not completly done yet but go to the yearbook thread in the forums to get your pic on it I rock you ike a ahurricane baby! Well can anyone sign my yearbook? You can comment for a sign or either press ALT-F4 :) SO please sign the yearbook for now and go get your pic on!!

Three hours and stop.

Wow. I'm back sorry I haven't wrote a blog, I know I've been back but today was Eighth Grade night and we partied till just a few minutes ago. I got oh so many awards and we are now considered highschool Freshman// SQUEEEEEEE!!!! Okay on to my Dollywood trip.

Well we got on our charter bus a 7:30 and to my suprise we had couches in the back and it was soooooooo cool. The worst part though was having a hole in the wall next to the bathroom it was sick.

After getting off the bus we decided to ride the must ride new roller coaster, Mystery Mine. 12 of my friends and I stood in line for 3 hours that took forever and finally as we were next in line to get on they made an announcment that they were shuting down the ride for the rest of the day. We were so mad so we cooled off by riding another rollercoaster nearby called Thunderhead. It pretty much went that way till the end of the day. One of my best friends was holding her boyfriends' hand the whole time it was so cute and he had his arm around her on a mini rollercoaster and we kept going AWWWWWWW... and she kept going "Shut-up!"

When we got on the bus to go home we watch American Idol and Jordin won!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! My friend was so mad cause her beloved and so called "Hottie" Blake didn't win/

Well then there's eighth grade night and had a dance....and let's just say you dont want to know about that....:oops:

spoilershis blog stuff from commentarys.

While I watch Book 2 volume three I will write all the spoilers I hear...first they said something about the show being about friendship and relying on people so if any of you all have seen avatarescape Avatar Yangchen says you will have to rely on friends so maybe Aang won't have the avatar state and have love and friendship instead, I think that will be the storyline in the end that love not power is what the meaning will be and that would set a good example for everyone too. I'm watching the episode The Serpents pass and I'm sure there will be some shippy stuff cause of George and Kataang... I will type as I here something juicy. OoOOoOoOo THEY MENTIONED TOKKA!!!!!!!!! WOw awesome commentary! There is also a second and final commentary on the eppy city of walls and secrets...I will type on that too. Squeeeeeee they do like Tokka!!!! Awwwww they're laughing at Yue and laughing at the kiss lol! They like the idea of Jet and Zuko being friends on the show. They call moments where momo appears Momoments and Aang moments whats the Aangle?. They called the moments between Aang and Katara touching. They called SUki and Sokka's kiss the most amazing and realistic kiss on far... SPOILER hehe yay. There is a chinese lady who is a background supervisor in the second commentary. They said animating Ba Sing Se was really hard. This commentary isn't really spoilerish...Hahahaha there is a piece of food on the ceiling that Toph threw up there... haha. Why dont there ever talk about Kataang during a Kataang moment lord don't they know what we really want to know... I think they didn't do the commentary for Tales of Ba Sing Se for major spoilers probably with Jin. That would have been interesting to listen to. Boring Yawns. They seem to crack up about Ju Dee hehe. Okay well thats it from the commentarys I wish there was more.... Well c you all later/