mernmern's forum posts
This off topic, but I hated the save system in Dead Rising. I loved the concept and the game play, but that was not enough to keep me playing.
-I meant to quote Phazevariance 's earlier post... my bad.
Ha. I knew I would get called on that when I reread it. Let me re-phrase and elaborate.
"It was somewhat tough to aim well with the guns and thus they were basically useless and almost unnecessary".
As for plasmids. I found they worked well... with the wrench... ala shock or freeze then a quick wrenching. The fire worked well at distances, more so than items like the pistol or machine gun. However, the heat seeking missles were real effective.
The Good:
1) The entire hacking system. While it was a little odd, the fact that the difficulty continually scaled up forced players to make decisions about plasmid upgrades. In addition, the hacked systems were continually helping you even after you had left the area. I found this simple aspect of the game amazing because it added a real depth in that the game was not limited to your immediate surroundings. Heck, I found myself following the sounds of guns and launchers just to see what was wondering around.
2) The graphics were fine and in truth any more detail might have been a bad thing as there were some truly graphic and demented scenes.
3) The audio logs were superbly done.
4) I enjoyed the story although it took a while to develop.
5) The arrow/directional system was probably the best I have even seen in a game. In addition, this directly relates to the fact that without them the game would have been much more confusing and certainly less "linear".
6) I loved the setting. An under water city... aint nothing wrong with that.
7) The invent system worked well.
The Not So Good:
1) The character perspective was way too low. I have played games that have been plagued by this same issue and it is infuriating. At points your character seems to be about 3 feet 6 inches tall. At others, the view seemed to be from the perspective of a grown man. The game deserves to get dinged for this more so than any other issue and I am surprised that no one else has commented on it... and if they have, I missed it.
2) Game bugs. There were a lot (skipping, sound issues, too many big daddys ect) and people have commented on them.
3) It was really tough to aim well with the guns and thus they were basically useless.
4) The invent system was basically a background piece that sometimes helped you out, but there was no ability to go out and search for certain components required. Thus, it was not engaging or interesting.
5) I feel that the replay value is rather limited other than trying some different tactics out from time to time.
Was this long? Sure it was, but the game was interesting and it should not be disregarded as something that was simply over hyped.
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