metaldave9999's forum posts
The water looks really impressive to me and not just a shiny reflection like most games. You've got actual waves crashing, realistic water streaming down streets and water particlesall over the place.Other parts of the game could look better but the gamedoes look really fun.
These are much higher quality than seen before. I'd say it looks pretty good for a pack-in game with the Zapper for $20.
It seems Capcom is joining Factor 5 and becoming believers in the Wii's true graphic potential. Hopefully this will be enough to convince other companies to followthem and stop making so many useless party games for Wii.
With the detail this downloadable game is showing, how can Nintendo NOT release a Hard Drive? It will only take a couple games (if that) to fill up your space on the Flash and even a 2gig SD card what with all your VC purchases as well.
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