@eyehategod420 @sephsplace @Morter @AzulSoul @PeterDuck Agreed, however I only find it odd that in a game that includes mini-games that objectify women, belittle them, and treat them as property, people have found this trophy title too offensive to accept.
In a game that objectifies women to the extreme, and where gruesome death is a selling point, I hardly think that a trophy title is the most noteworthy concern.
@jadaski1 This does not pertain to every company, but it could be argued that the general lack of content presented in the final product, combined with a great deal of post-release paid downloadable content, is a reflection of said inflation.
When the 360 first came out, it was explained that the reason for the price increase was less due to the quality of content, and more due to the fact that it's what the companies could get away with when charging for their software without consumers making too big of a fuss about it.
@DawgByte2 @Plasmid_king For some reason, I want to say unemployed has an 'N' in there somewhere. Look into it. In the meantime, pretty sure Plasmid was just razzing, so settle the kettle.
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