@Muradin_2 When metal came out, that's what made people kill. When violent movies showed up, that's what made people kill. When video games showed a gruesome side, that's what made people kill. When are these idiots going to learn that in order to stop this violence, they're going to have to start by taking some responsibility instead of passing off the blame to someone else?
"In the code of a gamer, even a deranged gamer like this little bastard, if somebody else kills you, they get your points." This is just plain imagined, and is intended to explain what happened in a way that allows them to blame video games, even though a great deal of similar mass murders end exactly the same way - with a psychotic killer ending their life so they don't have to suffer the consequences of their heinous actions.
@abHS4L88 @bannermanner @queuing_for_PS4 I'm confused... I thought for sure banner's message was meant for queuing_for_PS4 since it basically sounded like an advertisement for Sony.
@psuedospike "Well, Mr. Man, it seems you are up for review. It seems you haven't been meeting your quota as-of-late. Here at Capcom, we strive for greatness, and when one of our employees is struggling, the company struggles." "But sir, all the projects I've been assigned have either been cancelled, or taken over by non-profit third-party companies. I haven't even been given the chance..." "That's no excuse. I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go. I'll need you to hand in your Mega Buster, please."
@Zooner1399 @metroidhunterx It was a harmless, misinformed jab at the game that affected you in no way, yet (like a child) you attacked an entire generation because you couldn't contain your hubris.
@GunEye @emptycow @MANBEARTAR Sony has already said that the PS4 hardware is not completed, thus, this was not running real-time on actual PS4 hardware. If the final product is anywhere near this awesome, I will be amazed, and will buy immediately. I'm not getting my hopes up, however.
@motorxd @Gekko135 Did Gamestop handcuff you, lead you into their store, steal your ID, and threaten to kill you if you didn't do business with them? Didn't think so. If you hate the store (I don't, but I prefer going elsewhere), then don't shop there. It's that simple.
metroidhunterx's comments