[QUOTE="metroidman7_11"][QUOTE="Dualshockin"][QUOTE="Viviath"][QUOTE="fatzombiepigeon"][QUOTE="Trading_Zoner"] TP is more adventury and Puzzle solving oriented and it's ALOT longer.
GOW2 is more about killing alot of things with the occaisonal puzzle, and a good amount of boss fights.
Both were awesome games.
Play SOTC or ICO those are GREAT games too.
An unbiased cow who plays Zelda? Amazing.
Very few people hate Zelda. Most cows bash Halo, but very few people bash Zelda. The truth is Zelda:TP was a great game, but this was one case where a game was too long for its own good. I agree,Zelda is the only Nintendo game which has a high immersion level. OOT is imo the greatest game of all time.I honestly dont see any game(On Nintendo,Microsoft,etc.)ever being as revolutionary as it was. The "Harry Potter" of videogames as some have called it.have you played any metroid games? they are some of the most immersive games ever made. but i really think that TP beats GoWII, i just can't get into the series as much as some people. Too much i'm so pissed off so i'm gonna kill a bunch of stuff. to each their own though;)
I find it very hard to hate Nintendo First party games. Mario - the man that began it all, Zelda - Best rated games ever, Metroid- Introduction of the Heroine, Donkey Kong - Mario's nemesis. I mean to be quite truthful, most, if not all of Nintendos first party games are spectacular master pieces that most people love regardless of their console alligence. The only thing i have against Nintendo is their lack of 3rd party support.yeah, i die a bit inside when a sweet looking 3rd party game is announced and isn't coming to Wii, but then I remember what Nintendo is all about; FIRST PARTY!!! the best kind of party ( unless another involves lots of good drinks, tasty treats, and good company;) ) anyway, does anyone honestly buy nintendo stuff thinking about the 3rd party games?
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