Why sheep stand by the Wii amazes me. Its a car crash waiting to happen. Even the most basic of console functions is missing, and developers are noticing this, as are the casuals. There are so many things wrong about the Wii, such as:
- No online at launch - PS3 and 360 both had online, which are system sellers. It is why PS3 is speeding up in sales. Also, PSP's online is much better than DS's, and thats why it outsold Wii last month
- Friend codes - Even Einstein cant remember a different 20 digit code for every game he plays, PS3's online is so much easier to use than Wiis. Casuals will hear about friend codes and be put off
- Building hype for unwanted games - I just saw this thread, about Nintendo Magazine hyping this game called Night. I've never heared of this game, nobody else has, what Nintendo needs is decent games that people want, like GTA. But Nintendo refuses to put decent games on Wii, they stay with games that no one has heared of
- Terrible graphics on 1st party games - Its not the 3rd part devs' fault if they cant make good looking games for Wii, but when Nintendo themselves cant even make a good looking game for their own console, you've got trouble. Zelda Twilight Princess - PSP games look better. Super Paper Mario - 2D died with the SNES. Brain Age - When you have to port DS games, again, you're in trouble.
Ok wow where to begin.
1. Do you think that most of the people who are interested in the Wii are that hyped for online?
2. yeah, Einstein can't remember too much, he's kinda DEAD. sure isn't turning them off right now
3. you need to hit puberty before posting again and do some research
4. TP is beautiful. 2D died, wow you are ignorant, Brain Age is a seller that's why it's coming to the Wii.
Thank You and please never come again;)
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