If you ask me Sony's gameplan is pure genious. I mean think about it, here they have the PS2 which is very very profitiable now which continues to dominate month after month and also they have the number one selling game God of war 2. SONY is not losing anything lol so sony is going to put themselves out of business because PS2 outselling the PS3?! lmao Is that how this works?! I think not. What sony is doing is squeezing every cent of profit out of the cash cow that is the PS2, believe me. as soon as the holiday season rolls around and the PS2 sales have died down that will make way for the PS3 with all its great titles to shine and people really start to buy the console.
Think about it like this.. PS3 sold 133,000 units in a dead month like March. Ok right now the PS3 has no good games, overpriced and really nothing spectacular and its STILL selling 133,000 units. Now just imagine this year when "home" hits along with Lair, Heavenly Sword, Killzone, Ratchet and clank, MGS4 etc, SALES OF THE PS3 WILL DOMINATE!! I mean the way sony sees it is, why rush out software for the PS3 when they have the cash cow PS2 dominating month after month making them tremendous profits. It makes sense, you just have to look at the big picture. So anyway the bottom line is it all depends on how you look at these numbers. You have to ask yourself this one question when it comes to sony.. Is the glass half empty or half full?
Trust me. right now the PS3 is a sleeping giant, sony will know the perfect time to release its major guns with its great games coming up. Im reminded of a old Proverb from the art of war.. "The skilled warrior wins the war without ever going to battle" think about it.
seems like you're playing the 'just wait' card. I find it funny that every time a sheep mentions waiting for games to come to the Wii they are bashed into the ground but when a cow creates a thread about 'just wait until (STUFF) comes out. and labels it a good read their word is law. funny.
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