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#1 metroidman7_11
Member since 2005 • 183 Posts

If you ask me Sony's gameplan is pure genious. I mean think about it, here they have the PS2 which is very very profitiable now which continues to dominate month after month and also they have the number one selling game God of war 2. SONY is not losing anything lol so sony is going to put themselves out of business because PS2 outselling the PS3?! lmao Is that how this works?! I think not. What sony is doing is squeezing every cent of profit out of the cash cow that is the PS2, believe me. as soon as the holiday season rolls around and the PS2 sales have died down that will make way for the PS3 with all its great titles to shine and people really start to buy the console.

Think about it like this.. PS3 sold 133,000 units in a dead month like March. Ok right now the PS3 has no good games, overpriced and really nothing spectacular and its STILL selling 133,000 units. Now just imagine this year when "home" hits along with Lair, Heavenly Sword, Killzone, Ratchet and clank, MGS4 etc, SALES OF THE PS3 WILL DOMINATE!! I mean the way sony sees it is, why rush out software for the PS3 when they have the cash cow PS2 dominating month after month making them tremendous profits. It makes sense, you just have to look at the big picture. So anyway the bottom line is it all depends on how you look at these numbers. You have to ask yourself this one question when it comes to sony.. Is the glass half empty or half full?

Trust me. right now the PS3 is a sleeping giant, sony will know the perfect time to release its major guns with its great games coming up. Im reminded of a old Proverb from the art of war.. "The skilled warrior wins the war without ever going to battle" think about it. 


seems like you're playing the 'just wait' card.  I find it funny that every time a sheep mentions waiting for games to come to the Wii they are bashed into the ground but when a cow creates a thread about 'just wait until (STUFF) comes out.  and labels it a good read their word is law.  funny.

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#2 metroidman7_11
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#3 metroidman7_11
Member since 2005 • 183 Posts

This is art


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#4 metroidman7_11
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yeah, because it would still have the games that interest me.
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#5 metroidman7_11
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Simply because it won't help bring it more third party support. The PS2 sold alot and because of it got a lot of third party support. However, the Wii will not get good third party support due to lack of power. So even though the Wii is selling a zillion consoles a month, it still won't get Resident Evil 5, Assassin's Creed, Mercenaries 2, Devil May Cry 4, Army of Two or Grand Theft Auto IV. Instead you'll get garbage like Red Steel, Prince of Persia: Rival Swords or Boogie.

The Wii can sell as much as it wants, but it's still just a GC with a gimmick controller.


1. ps2 had a lack of power and it still had more 3rd party support

2. your assuming like they need more mutliplatfroom

wii gets no more heros, dewy advutre, mysims, manhunt 2, re wii, re4, sadness, raid over river, plenty more


1. But it wasn't a generation behind.

2. I was just naming games t he Wii will miss out on.

And that's a bad list. No More Heroes looks super cheesy, Dewy's Adventure? lol, MySims is super kiddy even for Sims standards, Manhunt 2 is a PS2 port, RE: UC is nothing compared to RE5, RE4 is 2 years old, etc. etc.

wow, I needed a good laugh today.  anyway where did you get the idea that Manhunt 2 is a PS2 port.  last I knew a seperate studio was handling the Wii version and PS2/PSP versions were somewhere else.  what abou the games that PS3/Xbox 360 will miss out on?  you always seem to act like Wii exclusives don't exist.  ignorance at it's finest.:lol:

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#6 metroidman7_11
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I also have a feeling that with the lack of news that SSBB will be delayed until early next year.  MP3 was supposed to launch with the Wii and Galaxy has been showing up some. 
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#7 metroidman7_11
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Both, I love Zelda which is developed out of Japan, but I also love Metroid which is being made by Retro Studios in Texas.  Honestly, if it's fun would it really matter.
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#8 metroidman7_11
Member since 2005 • 183 Posts
1. The motion controls are there. But when you want to go back to conventional controllers you can't. unless you have a GC or a classic controller. I am NOT saying you will literally get tired out from playing Wii. But you will subconciously want to go back to playing with a conventional controller after a while.  How do you know this?  It doesn't seem to be affecting anyone right now.

2. The graphics are HORRIBLE compared to Xbox 360 and PS3. Sure, sheep. I know what you are thinking. You probably just laughed at that statement. But weather you like it or not. Whatever your opinion is on this subject, it is a HUGE downfall for Wii. Sure Wii is selling well now, despite it's horrid graphics. BUT most people haven't caught on to how truly amazing next gen games can look, for a number of reasons.  If the Wii's damn graphics are so horrid how the hell did you manage to play games at all last gen?  With the Xbox 360 being available for almost 2 years now I think that most people who were interested in HD games with blistering graphics would have noticed it by now.  Wii has sold over half of the 360's sales in 5 MONTHS, sure graphics are everything.

A) The BIG games they are waiting for aren't out yet. When they see thier anticipated games in HD. They will NOT want to go back.  again graphics sure aren't helping sell to many PS3s and 360s.  you act like the Wiis games won't be fun with out HD.  you're kidding yourself.

B) As more people get HDTVs, they will want an HD game system to complement it. People aren't going to want JUST a Wii if they have an HDTV. That's a waste of pixels.  you act like you know what the mainstream wants for a system.  not that many people have HD but the # who do will go up.

C) People just get used to seeing games in a certain way. Rememeber when you first got your gamecubes? Seeing games like rogue squadrun? Remember going back to N64 after that and being like: "Man GC has way better graphics, I can't belive we thought N64 looked good!" You just lose a certain amount of desire when you realize your game system is basically a last gen piece of technlogy.  really?  people aren't buying the wii for graphics, it's called GAMES.  again you act like all last gen games are disgusting.

3. 3rd party games will mostly be made up of shovelware. Just look at the DS. Sure it has decent 3rd party support. But C'mon, it's sold what? 40 MILLION units? It has sold 40M units and 3rd parties STILL give PSP almost just as much attention, WHEN IT HAS ONLY SOLD HALF THAT! If PSP had 40 M sold in 2 years, you can bey your bottom that 3rd parties would RUN to PSP with thier MAIN BIG franchises. 

But why is that you ask? Because Nintendo games, seem to be the only games that sell on Nintendo systems. About 90% of DSes Million plus sellers are NINTENDO made games. 90%!!! So what can 3rd parties do to have hopes of selling thier games on Nintendo platforms? They have to put mario into Soul Calibur, they have to put Mario into Kingdom Hearts. Just so sheep can feel like they aren't cheating on Nintendo.  link was put into soul caliber b/c he fit in w/ the list.  same thing happened with the other 2 systems but the GC version still sold the best.

4. The online service SUCKS. There is a certain group of people who REALLY REALLY like playing online games. That group of people is growing constantly, as more people get into games like HALO and SOCOM, they are sucked in, and rarely go back. It's almost scary how that works. The Wii DOES have online gaming supported. BUT it is SO Frustrating to do, you can't just keep coming back to it as easily as you can Xbox Live or PSN. Wii is not prepared for true online gaming. And that is a flaw among the people who almost NEED a goo online service.  yeah, CERTAIN AMOUNT, not a very big amount at that. 

5. It won't always have the price advantage. When Xbox 360 and PS3 hit thier sweet spots, Wiis price advantage will really be irrelevant. GC was cheaper than PS2 for most of it's life. Dreamcast was always cheaper than PS2. There is a certain price point where people are willing to pay for a console, going anylower than that early on in a consoles life will not affect it's sales too much.Trading_Zoner
  the reason that the PS2 sold so well is because the GAMES.  3rd parties are flocking to the Wii to develope games for it.  price is a factor but you seem to be underestimating the draw of games.
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#9 metroidman7_11
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are you r-tards  serious?




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#10 metroidman7_11
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even though I agree with your thoughts on using artistic graphics I think that Wii is plenty capable of handling realistic graphics, ala RE4 and SC:CT for Xbox