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Ok so Deus EX is on hold now since Rage is out. Picking it after work and gaming all night.

Deus EX Human Revolution

Picked up Deus EX Human Revolution, haven't put as much time into it since I recently met and now have a wonder boyfriend in my life but from what I've played it's absolutely fantastic. It's not as easy as I thought and I've learned that running and gunning rarely works in almost all situations. The story line is superb, the game play flawless and the voice acting is perfect. I am really enjoying this title and will post a review when I complete it. Man, there is still Gears 3 and Rage and Dark Souls are just around the corner, going to be a busy holiday season.

Finished F.3.A.R

My final thoughts on Fear 3 are that while it is a fun game and the incorporation of coop is enjoyable, it is just another generic FPS. The weapons were generic, the levels were nicely done but not impressive and the graphics were decent. All together it was a fun play through since I have both the previous titles but could be easily overlooked in the over abundance of FPS games available. If your a fan of the series and find a used title it might be worth a play through just to see how the stories from the first and second game come together is this latest addition. Though the game did start off strong it didn't hold the momentum through out.

Fear 3

Picked up F.3.A.R last night and so far I really like it. I liked Fear 2 not because of the story or horror aspect (which really there is none) but because it was a tight shooter. F.3.A.R continues with these mechanics by offering intense battles and the continued aspect of slo-mo. We'll see how it plays out as I haven't gotten to far into the game yet.

Completed Demon's Souls

Well after many long hours of being slaughtered and slaughtering demons, I finally conquered Demon's Souls. I have to say this is a fantastic and extremely frustrating game at the same time. It requires you to plan and determine tactics instead of simply running and swinging your sword or firing away arrows and spells. I really enjoyed the challenge and am glad to add this title to my completed list. Now I am excited about Dark Souls.

Demon's Souls

With all the talk about the sequel, I wanted to try and complete the original Demon's Soul. I spend a good chunk of time getting acquainted with this title again and was painfully reminded of how, freaking crazily insane the difficulty is. I have however gotten further than I did the last time I played so I was happy with some progress. I'm at the Firelurker boss and need to find a tactic to defeat him. Even though the hand of death is constantly slapping me in the face, every time I expire I do feel that I've learned something and then the battle to retrieve my corpse and lost souls always leaves me a little stronger and better prepared to continue on in this harsh realm.

Portal 2

Portal 2 is excellent in both single player and multiplayer. After clocking about 3.5 hours of multiplayer with a friend this weekend I can say this game is well worth the 39.99$ price tag and is a must have for any game system.

Thoughts on Brink

I have to say I'm enjoying Brink so far. I picked it up for the ps3 and haven't had the issues with multiplayer that people are reporting on the 360. I do like how fast paced and frantic it is and I also like the character and weapon customization. Not sure if I would have paid full price but for 38$ it was a good buy. Also with the promise of DLC for free from Splash Damage I think it's a pretty good purchase so far. If you happen to find a copy used or discount,I think it's worth trying out.

Brink and Portal 2

Purchased a copy of both Brink and Portal 2 both for 38$ so figured from what I've heard about Brink I did want to get it just not pay 60$ for it. When I get them I'll post what I think.

Watching Brink

I was just about to buy Brink but the reviews I've seen and the technical issues in the game have made me decide to wait. If anyone has this game let me know what you think. I'll probably pick it up later as a used title.

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