Really excited to pick this title up today. I can remember playing MvC2 at the arcade after high school with my friends. Will be interested to see what 10 years in the making will achieve.
mfall121 Blog
Counting down the days.....
by mfall121 on Comments
Basically now just countingdown the days until Dead Space 2. I absolutely can not wait for this game and have pretty much watched every trailer I can find on the game 4 times each at least. Check out the link for a humorous addition to the trailer line up.
Finally Friday...
by mfall121 on Comments
Finished up Amnesia, think I'm going to start Vanquish on the 360 tonight. Need a good action game to close out the week....
Brotherhood completed
by mfall121 on Comments
Completed AC Brotherhood (finally). Will post a formal review as soon as I can complete it. Picked up Black Ops and it is great. Haven't put much time into it but alternating between this and Dead Rising 2. Dead Rising 2 is good so far, haven't tried coop and have a feeling that will enhance the game play. The only thing that I've noticed that is irritating (at least on the ps3 version) is the load times, anytime you do practically anything, cut scene, leave an area ect., it pops up with a loading screen.
Happy Thanksgiving...
by mfall121 on Comments
Out of town for the holiday so had to put AC Brotherhood aside until I get back. Bringing the laptop and started playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat. This game is great, and I really don't know why I put it down without finishing it.
AC Brotherhood
by mfall121 on Comments
Haven't been able to put a lot of time into this but from what I've played so far, AC Brotherhood is awesome.From the increased elements in combat to the updated graphics in both the city landscapes as well as the character models,this game is turning out to be a great addition to the series. I'll write a formal review when I complete it. I am still planning to finish Amnesia, I got sidetracked with Fallout New Vegas and now AC Brotherhood. I'll add it to my list of games to finish along with Castlevania Lords of Shadow.
One more day....
by mfall121 on Comments
One more day for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, can't wait...
by mfall121 on Comments
I kept hearing wonderful things about Amnesia The Dark Descent so I ended up getting it on Steam and for the Halloween discount. Love a good horror game and I've heard this is a terrifying game. In between Fallout NV, I'm going to give this a shot.
Friday at last...
by mfall121 on Comments
Having a Halloween party saturday night, and have been busy with work this week but going to put some mad hours into Fallout NV tonight.
Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete
by mfall121 on Comments
I have Final Fantasy Advent Children on DVD and really liked the movie,sothat when I saw it on Blu-ray for 20$, I decided to pick it up again. I had assumed that there would be some additional scenes, added features ect, but I was absolutely blown away at how much was add, and how much enhancement this added to the over all story line. I found myself asking durning the duration of the movie, "why am I just seeing this now?". It was fantastic and I highly recommend for everyone who enjoyed the DVD version and hasn't pick up the Blu-ray version to do so. It was worth far more than I paid for it.
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