I finished up Condemned: Criminal Origins and did some achievement hunting so it was alot of fun, still the scariest game I've played. Was messing with FF13 but wanted something a little more gritty so I put in Fallout New Vegas and am going for the Hardcore achievement this play through. I put about 3 hours into it and so far have not noticed any major difficulty with Hardcore activated other than having my limbs damaged and not being able to heal them fully unless you see a doctor. I like this because it adds alot of challenge and realism to the game. Has anyone completed this achievement that has any advice?
mfall121 Blog
Favorite Horror Game
by mfall121 on Comments
I finished up Singularity last night and decided I wanted a good scare. I decided to play through at least a little bit of Condemned: Criminal Origins. In my opinion, of all the survival horror games I've played including Amnesia, Condemned: Criminal Origins is the scariest game I've ever played. The atmosphere, and creatures you encounter are downright terrifying and the fact that the majority of combat is done by melee by whatever you find laying around is also intense. I also loved the incorporation of forensic tools and the aspect of chasing a serial killer as the main story. I hated what the series did in Condemned Bloodshot but if you ever want a really good scare pick up Condemned: Criminal Origins and see what you think.
More into 3rd Birthday and why I do not trust professional reviews...
by mfall121 on Comments
So I think I'm pretty close to the end and I will say I completely disagree with the majority of the ratings I've read for this game. It is very clear that the reviewers did not finish this game before they slapped a 6-6.75 rating on it. This game is spectacular and feels dramatically like its predecessors. The major complaint about Aya Brea being a week protagonist is true until much further in the game when a series of events causes her to become a strong leader and a heroine. Also I've seen written that the game is hard due to Aya's physical weakness and that is completely false. The game has some challenges but utilizing the overdive system makes battles extremely fun and with the DNA augmentation system that allows you to equip and evolve Aya's abilities such as healing, power surge ect. The game allows you to design Aya to fit your style of playing. Either the reviewers did not spend an adequate time playing this game or there game play skills are severely lacking as I've had no problem completing the majority of these missions where some said they were difficult to complete. Also the last thing I want to mention is Aya's appearance. The ripped jeans and shirt that gradually become more torn as you take damage as well as the physical wounds on her arms and legs. I actually like this as I find most of the duration of the game being so fast paced that I don't notice my life bar in the bottom corner of the game and it reminds me to restore her at save points but more so after a boss fight or a challenging battle I like the fact that she emerges not looking like she just finished with a date. Games like this remind me why I don't listen or really even read professional reviews because the majority of the time the editors do not put the time into the game that it deserves before slapping a rating on it or if it's a big name title that has a lot of financial backing, they give it a stellar rating so they can make some easy cash on the side. It's actually pretty sad. I will continue to trust the real experts when it comes to a game I'm unsure of purchasing, gamers like you.
Tekken 6....
by mfall121 on Comments
Picked up this title in a buy 2 get one free sale with Gamespot and really like it. I haven't played a Tekken game since Tekken Tag but I really like how the characters retained some of the same moves. I was able to pull off some of the same moves "only cooler looking" that I used in Tekken Tag. My main player is Nina so far and I'm pretty rusty so I'm going to spend some time getting my skills up before I play online. I've seen the price of between 14.99 and 17.99$ for this title and I have to say I recommend it if you find yourself needing a distraction on a rainy day.
The 3rd Birthday....
by mfall121 on Comments
Picked this title up for my PSP and it's actually not a bad game. I looked over the gamespot review of a 6/10 and not sure if I will agree with it as I'm enjoying it so far. So far I keep hearing the same thing that Aya Brea is a weak protagonist butif you haveplayed both Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 for the PS you would have known that before you even opened the box. That was sort of the appeal for me even though she is physically weak she is enormously powerful, though so far the 3rd Birthday hasnot really incorporated this outside of the Overdrive device other than being able to add genetic enhancements. In PE and PE2Aya's mutations caused by evolved mitochondria gave her awesome power to fight off Eve and so far that has not come into play in this game. Will see if this changes further in the story. Also on a personal note, being aResearch ScientistI did find the story of evolved Mitochondria mutating their host and attacking NY City a little farfetched but Square did a good job telling the storyso I went with it.
Crysis, what Crysis...
by mfall121 on Comments
Finished Crysis 2 and have to say I loved it, great shooter with amazing graphics and intense game play. Just don't expect too much of a story.
Crysis 2 so far...
by mfall121 on Comments
I normally wait until I've finished a game to say I love it but with Crysis 2 I am completely blown away the graphics, suit mechanics and game play. The interactions and choices the player can make about how to handle objectives and how the suit influences or aids with this are superb. I am truly impressed so far with this game. I will write a formal review once I've finished it but I will definitely say it is a great play through so far.
Picked up the Playstation Move and Killzone 3 and also Bulletstorm
by mfall121 on Comments
I have to say I'm very impressed with the PSMove especially in a FPS. It's like having the precision of a mouse for aiming and the maneuverability of a controller instead of a keyboard. I'm logged some hours into Killzone 3 with this and have truly enjoyed the experience and am excited to see what other games will support this format. Also I picked up a used copy of Bulletstorm and was blown away with how much fun and the graphics this game displayed. I also enjoyed the different adjustments to your weapons and really enjoy the skillshots. Maybe a third of the way through and will post a formal review when I finish.
More on MvC3
by mfall121 on Comments
Love MvC3, my team so far is Amatersu, Chris and Morigan. The controls are different from MvC2 and there is a bit of a learning curve but once you get the hang of it it's a lot of fun. The other thing is that the graphics in this game are stellar, I wasn't sure about a cell-shaded fighter but MvC3 did a fantastic job integrating this style. Still playing offline until I get a better handle on the game but if you want to play online, I'm mfall121 on the ps3
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