he makes alot of valid points I would like to see his opinion now that Ninja Gaiden Sygma 2 is coming to PS3 and he made a mistake with dead rising that's not 360 exclusive that's on wii but pretty much he's dead on.
mgsfan1189's forum posts
Would Street Fighter 4 count or is considered "2.5D"?Dr_Snoodyea it counts I put LBP 2.5 is close enough in fact I forgot to mention Street Fighter IV I love that game also.
holy cow if you do ud be real stupid the wii will collect dust and you will regret it why don't you just save up for a wii it's cheap anyways and theyll probably rip you off whereever you sell it they wont give you the monbey u pay for ud be a sucker. just think about itYeah i know go ahead and flame because little ol' me " PS3nut " is contemplating the switch, the guy who's been giving Wii and 360 fans so much grief since i've been here, is now considering switching, as early as tomorrow.
Believe me i have my reasons, 1st of all, i have had and beaten all the latest and greatest games on the PS3 as recent as RE-5, plus for what ever reason i've noticed certain games run smoother on 360 and i don't know why considering it's lesser hardware specs, games like Tiger Woods 09, Fallout 3, Oblivion and so on.
I also have an 8 year old son and a 1 year old daughter and i'd like to start them off with the familiar Nintendo faces i knew growing up, like Mario, Zelda, SSBB and other games that are geared more towards there age group.
However the best reason to to swap out is because i don't use the extra features Sony charges $100.00 more for, which is the Wi-Fi and the Blu-Ray, besides i have enough Sony games and the 160gb console, along with my new Nintendo DSI to get a mega amount of credit for both, actually i'll probably just return my DSi since i just got it yesterday.
I'll try to pick up a 360 Elite and a Wii with a few top games for each, so go ahead boy's flame all you want.
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