[QUOTE="mgsfan1189"]I doubt there will be a next gen tbh sony infact could dominate this gen depending on games and word of mouth the reason I don't think there will be a next gen is because games are expensive as it is were in a ressession the companies are struggling and there seems to be no relief and games right now are expensive to make do you honestly think microsoft and nintendo will just forget the recession and just start over risking financial disaster ?rgsniper1
Are you asking if in say two years time MS or Nintendo would be on the virge of releasing a new console even though there's a recession going on, yes I do. As many analyst have stated there's a lot of things leveling out right now, if that continues you could expect that in a couple years time we would be well out of the recession and businesses would be moving back to a more business as usual.
Commenting on the person that said the winner this gen would be the one with the more quality games, as stated earlier by me, I actually prefer the MS lineup to the sony one. So as we all have differances of opinion mine would be that MS has a better library and lineup than Sony and believe it or not it's going to get stronger as well with the likes of FF13 coming to the system. Something in itself that hasn't happened in a long long time, Squeenix publishing on another system like that with one of it's flagship titles. Maybe even Tekken 6 as that's always a big fan favorite.
Yeah I'll give you that Sony will have GoW3, MGS4 and LBP. Beyond that the other exclusives for them don't elicit that many ooohs and ahhhs from me. Actually MGS4 doesn't either, but I can respect that many people like it.
I am glad that your optomistic but I seriously doubt we'll be out of the recession heck today on the news Obama anounced sending more billions to iraq yea our economy savior lol it's a major risk releasing a new system and do you think it's cheap to build a stronger system and more advanced game especially now just look at now most game companies are going out of business heck just look at the company behind halo wars, but let's forget all this and keep high hopes that a new more advanced system will be released or we can live in reality whichever you choose :) my guess will be maybe upgrades to current system but I don't see a new console for a long long long time.
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