Would be nice if TC actually had the balls to name a few "great" mainstream RPGs of the past, with better combat or dialogue or quests than TW3, for instance.
milannoir's forum posts
Gamecube. Great system, with so many legendary games.
1. Squadron 42 (Star Citizen)
2. XCom 2
3. Deus Ex : Mankind Divided
4. Legend of Zelda
5. Doom 4
6. Mass Effect Andromeda
7. Torment : Tides of Numenera
isn't star citizen that kickstarter game? lol
Well actually, only a very minor portion of it was funded through Kickstarter. They only launched a KS after some fans asked for the option; most of the funding has been obtained through their own website.
But cows said PC and 900pStation versions are exactly the same. What is this sorcery?
INB4 the usual DC squad from the Sony camp.
Call US when that 25+% of steam is over 768p...lol Hell can they even run this game on low.?
Can people still playing on PS2 even run this game? More importantly, is there any limit to the stupidity of your posts? Anyone even vaguely passionate about PC gaming has a rig that murders the PotatoStation.
See but this is the thing that people seem to be missing. I did not bash the game or bash the people that backed the game and will inevitably enjoy it. Good for you guys.
Is gaming a hobby of yours or is it the main priority in your life? I would hope that as, presumably, a good husband and father gaming is not a priority in your life and more of a past time. If I'm wrong fine, but then realize that in my entire post, that was the ONLY absolute statement that I made and I therefore rescind that particular comment. But I take nothing else back because I used the words "often" and "some" which are not statements that speak for everyone else and are generalities that I still believe to be true.
At no point did I insinuate that my gaming taste had changed, but my time constraints have, which is precisely the reason why I and many others in my situation prefer a game that is easier to pick up and play. Get it straight, easy to pick up and play =/= simplistic.
Last of Us isn't simplistic. Halo isn't simplistic. But both of these are examples of games that I enjoy because they are easy to pick up and play at a moments notice.
The fact that you then tried to equate console gaming with paying minesweeper shows how ridiculous your whole argument is. I would have respected your post more if you hadn't included that, but you seem to be shaken by the fact that someone can look at your precious Chris Roberts game and not weep with joy.
Get a grip, the game is very involved. That's great for some and not great for others. This entire argument began because someone couldn't handle the fact that not everyone thinks that this game is god's gift, so chill out.
Seriously? You don't see what's wrong about your previous post?
You can work a lot, take good care of your family and still have enough time left for demanding games. Some "busy" dads have a passion for sailing. Others for skiing, or writing poetry, or playing in a band with their buddies, or whatever. You can always find the time to do stuff, provided you're well organized and ready to give up on other secondary activities. For instance, I NEVER watch TV.
Oh, and btw, I do find the Last of Us and Halo simplisitic. Doesn't mean they can't be fun, or that I despise those games or people that enjoy them. I mean, I love Mario platformers and War Thunder.
Anyway, none of that matters. I have nothing to say against your tastes, and you're the only one to judge how much time you can afford to put aside for gaming, and what kind of games you want to focus on.
But this is why I found your intervention completely irrelevant : Star Citizen was, from the very beginning, pitched as an uncompromisingly ambitious game. Chris Roberts claimed right off the bat that even though he wanted it to be fun above all, his idea of fun implied a steep learning curve and lots of complex systems. He still wants to make it not completely noob-unfriendly , but there will necessarily be a significant learning phase.
The people who backed this project initially understand this. So when you say that "some people are just saying that they would prefer a game that you don't need to take a class on to get the best experience possible"... All I have to say is that these people shouldn't even consider playing Star Citizen. It's like joining a sports club, only to complain about having to break a sweat. Fundamentally, this game doesn't WANT to be "pick up and play".
An actual game with a learning curve beyond a five minute hand-holding tutorial. I guess I can't say I'm surprised console kids are whining about it being complicated.
It's actually the complete opposite.
For people who have careers, a marriage and kids, gaming is a hobby or an escape. Often times those people who have serious real world commitments have very little time to begin with. Given the time constraints it would make sense that those people would want a game that is easier to pick up and play. No one is asking for hand-holding. Some people are just saying that they would prefer a game that you don't need to take a class on to get the best experience possible.
So who's actually the kid? The person who gave a reason to back up his opinion, or the person who calls others kids without considering all the factors.
I'm a hard working father and I enjoy deep, complex games above anything else. It's actually the main reason for me to be a PC gamer, even if I also occasionally indulge in a bit of console gaming (more games, mods, better graphics are just the icing on the cake).
I was a gamer before I had a job, before I met my wife, before my daughter was born. Neither my gaming tastes, nor my personal abilities magically vanished when all those (amazing) things happened, which is why I backed the crap out of Star Citizen : I wanted Chris Roberts to have enough money to go crazy with his "niche" ideas. I knew from the start that this game could never be done in two years (I actually remember discussing this with other backers in 2012, and many of us thought 2016/17 was more realistic) so the delays don't bother me, and the sort of detail that they put in things like this UI is exactly what delights me.
So please don't speak for other people with careers, marriages and kids. You might love simplistic games for whatever reason, but I'm not like you and many other dads also love complex games. If I want simplicity, I can play minesweeper on my smartphone. Or play more console-centric games.
Just read Ortwin Freyermuth's letter to The Escapist. He's an attorney, and co-founded CIG along with Chris Roberts. Man, The Escapist is probably feeling the burn right now.
Favourite "zings" :
and then you verified an unidentified employee by examining his "company ID card with the name blocked out." You might be interested to know that CIG does not issue any company ID cards at any of its studios![...]
We have since been advised by several reputable gaming publications that they have been offered these stories, but refrained from pursuing them because "there was no hard evidence and not enough sources." This indicates that these fabricated stories had been collected and were shopped around by a common source to find somebody who could be fooled into publishing them. It would explain the haste with which you wanted "to go to print" - you may have been sold a load of goods that otherwise another publication would get the privilege to break this "scoop".[...]
"Corporate at Defy Media asked us to delay publication of this letter while investigating, but we feel strongly that the record needs to be set straight without further delay."[...] and then... Based on the generous standards set by you, we believe that 24 hours should be sufficient to hear from you. Furthermore, if we have not received aforementioned confirmation from you or your magazine and/or its parent company by EOD Monday, we will turn this matter over to our litigators to prepare legal action[...]
Before publishing their article, The Escapist sent a mail to CIG, giving them 24 hours to answer the claims / accusations. Chris Roberts, who was in the UK, stayed up late to write a detailed rebuttal and sent it with 3 hours left to spare. The Escapist ignored it and published their article, based on dubious sources making outrageous claims, without any comment from CIG. They later claimed it was CR's fault because he had only replied to the person who mailed him, and not cc'ed the editor in chief. Then they said his mail had ended in the spam filter. I just love how Ortwin Freyermuth gives them the same delay, during the weekend...
I find it hilarious that the same people that mock backers for their supposed naivity then proceed to swallow Derek Smart's BS. I mean FFS people, show some dignity, this is ****ing Derek Smart we're talking about! There is literally no "dev" (hurts me to call him that) in history with less credibility than that pathetic piece of shit.
The Witcher 3. Wonderful game.
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