Bulletstorm of Homefront?
miless' forum posts
So basically you are saying that a MP FPS doesnt need a SP campaign and a SP FPS doesn't need MP? SHOCKING! As Yatzee sais a game should be able to stand on its own. And I would take spit screen over online anyday. What people dont have enough friends to come over for some spit screen co-op anymore?An FPS can survive without a good campaign but it can't survive with a bad multi-player. Unless, of course, it's a single-player only game like Bioshock or HL2.
Yeah people do that stuff all the time , I saw a portable NES some time ago the guy used a NES cartridge for the case.Super cool.
Meh , its kinda sad we live in a time when graphics differ so little yet people praise them so much.
Every game looks almost the same , the fact that an engine can render 1 more blade of grass fails to impress me
Gears 3
Mass Effect 3
Portal 2
Driver: SF
And if opening it screws it up heres a solution
Im currently using one (except mine is black base w blue buttons) Got it for around 15$ too so I think its one of the cheapest I've seen. Triggers and bumpers are comfy but the analog sticks need some getting used to ,they are kinda like those on a 360 controller but harder and if your thumbs get really sweaty they get kinda slippery
I mainly get shooters for the SP. If its MP only or campaign is too short and/or weak I'll tend to pass.
If I want some MP action I'm not going to spend 60+$ Ill just go play Urban Terror or Alen Arena or Warsow or some other free MP shooter
They stoped making games that make you think a decade ago.
Double Iron Sights ALL THE WAY
But the world already has a PC-like platform that does almost everything that a PC does (except run a descent game). Its called a Mac.
Thats nonsense , upgrades and addons never worked on consoles (early 90s Sega Mega CD anyone?)
Consoles were always about running games awesomely in the first years since release and just barely running them near the end. And people were contend with that cuz they knew theyll buy the console and game for 6-7, and yes even up to 10 years, on it and replay those games again and again for years to come as long as the console is operational (try and run some Win 95/98 or worse DOS games on a modern multy core CPU with a powerful GPU PC).Thats what consoles will always have - you put the game in and press start. No driver updates,no hardware upgrades.Its just about playing a game.How would that work if a console needs a GPU update every year or so? PC gaming thats how , youll have to wait untill you have the $ for that sweet new graphics card thats just a little better than your old one but cost 3 times as much.If you want something more software wise open up that notebook and go rant on some gaming site , as I am doing right now.I mean what do you want? MS Office controlled by gamepad and Kinect?!?!? I cant imagine a normal person would even consider the possibility of using ,lets say , paint shop pro or gimp on a device made exclusively for gaming
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