I put 220 hours into the first mystery dungeon pokemon game on ds, but if you want to call that an rpg then around 55 hours in twilight princess. Iv probably played others longer from multiple playthroughs though.
It took me ages to work up the courage to go through the royal tomb full of re deads in ocarina of time, and i also didn't like the music in The Dodongos Cavern. Something that really scared me though was i was watching my dad play Duke Nukem Zero Hour and it was the level where it was old times in england and you see Jack the Ripper stab someone. I didn't like that bit at all
Ok, ill try and word this properly. Im selling my psp but i connected it to the PSN store on the computer to get demoes (I never connected it to a PS3). Is the psp now locked to my PSN and can't be used for other accounts, or can someone else get it and connect it with no problems? Sorry if this is confusing.
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