The final boss from Gears 2. You had to try to get killed. That was pathetic.
miller278's forum posts
Buy it. Its awesome. The Zombie Island DLC is good but its not great. Mad Moxxi sucks big time. The next DLC has a level cap boost so that will be good. Im pretty sure it will get a GOTY Edition like many other games that werent game of the year. You might want to wait but i say buy it cos only the next DLC will be worth it.
5pm till 5am on Resident Evil 5 co op. A run on casual, then normal, then veteran, then casual again. Its so easy with infinite rocket launcher.
Iv had mine since april last year and i have 21 retail games and 4 arcade games. Iv also sold lots of retail games so iv probably owned around 30.
They are:
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Gears of War 1 and 2
Bioshock (My favourite)
AC/DC Rock Band
The Darkness
Mirrors Edge
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men
PES Soccer 6
Burnout Revenge
Resident Evil 5
Perfect Dark Zero
Portal:Still Alive
Shadow Complex
Street Fighter something
Puzzle Quest
Im quite happy with my collection.:D
I loved the entire story for the world ends with you. I felt connected to the characters.
I cant choose between Zelda: Ocarina of Time and BioShock
Gears of War 1, six times
Gears 2, three times
Bioshock, four times
Resident Evil 5, five times
I also finished the original Paper Mario on the N64 four or five times.
Definitely. One of the best games on the system. I think its probably better than the second game.
I bought it, played it for a bit. got really bored and just left it sitting there. I traded it in when Borderlands came out.
For achievements, Dash of Destruction, Borderlands without the DLC and The Bourne Conspiracy. I didn't go around and find all the collectibles in other games before achievements so just them.
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