@NTM23 yeah gears was a beautiful game in it's timeline and we get to see game graphics evolve even better
killzone shadow fall looks good for me so this is good news to see game beyond visual scale than killzone shadow fall
@Yogurt_master @goldmask lol getting fifa free on xbox one don't change anything the console is still selling for $500
@roganth exactly, if people don't want spoilers then don't go and find out over the internet, just wait and buy the game but people make a big deal out of things too much
if people finds out that some information have been leaked, it's up to them if they want to find out and spoil the ending for themselves enough said
@Jumpy7 @milomell for me i will of to wait until january when my mom comes from the state i ask her to buy it for me and i pay her back the money
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