a true gamer never argue i have pc, ps3 and xbox 360 and i enjoyed them both and soon i will be picking up the vita because its the most powerful handheld right now and a message to u guys please stop the fighting because it won't solve a dam thing because the company are still making money and don't give a crap if u argue or not
these cod haters are so childish why come here to hate if u don't like it u don't of to come on the page to hate it ok just grow up for once because call of duty still have their loyal fans such as myself and u cant compare bf3 with cod because they are 2 different games one is fast paste arcade shooter with its own unique skills and one is team tactical and if u all gonna compare over powered perks and kill streaks and weapon in cod u will of to compare the over powered vehicles in bf3 so they both have their ups and down so stop hating and enjoy the games.
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