@lokizarro we don't of to worry we will be enjoying ps4, meanwhile most gamer on xbox crying for subsrciption to play a game they buy because of the always online crap
@RavageCobra @milomell @berzerk0912 come on ur comments about my long sentence is getting very old but anyway sorry if i hurt ur feeling for talking about battlefield 3 u must be fucking dice the reason why u to punks are offended
u r disrespecting me and now i am the troll? punk it only natural to reply back to ur dumbass and by the way i speak patois not english so u dipshits should find out that english is not everybody first language before u all get nerdy on people
i know @guitarist1980 me myself have a 360 slim and a fat ps3 and this is my second xbox 360 because i use to have one of the jasper 60gb model xbox and it got rrod on me and i have my old fat ps3 from launch day and its still working like a charm and dont worry about the noise because the ps3 tens to speed up the fan depend on the climate of ur room
am not ignorant am speaking the truth i know every hardware is not perfect but to buy a xbox within the timeline when it comes out i can promise u that it will have red ring of death but with ps3 u hardly see them having the yellow light of death
@JayQproductions am more of a playstation guy i don't like the path xbox is going with lack of exclsuive and pay to play a game online i strongly believe if i buy a console and a game cd i should have the right to play it free online because am already paying for my internet bill no need to pay another extra fee just to play online free with frens and if xbl wud cover the cost to get free game now and then like psn plus i wouldn't complain
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