@valknight just like how company is watching out for there interest, the consumers are doing the same, i know xbl is a payed service to make there server runs better but Microsoft could at least give away free stuff every now and then but u will never gonna see that because ur mind is enslaved by the company
@valknight @milomell @evil_snuggles thats just ur opinion but am saying suppose u have frens over who wants to use ur pc, the xbox wud be an option to use ur apps and without gold u can't , paying for my internet bill already is enough but to keep paying for things that can use free of cost on other devices is just a bad experience, it's like u pay for the cake and u can't get access to it to even get a taste
@valknight @milomell @evil_snuggles am not saying miceosoft doesn't have good idea but the way they do things is all about money and everything is a restriction and u have a good point u can use all of those apps on ur phone and on ur PC without a problem but u of to get gold to use them on xbox?
@valknight @milomell @evil_snuggles i know u don't use most of those features but you have people that would like to browse facebook on there xbox and thats just sad when it's behind a pay wall for example if my sister is using my computer i could just simple jump on my console an access my apps from there but, all of those is behind a pay wall, u can access them on any other device but not xbox, microsoft just forcing people to get gold to use every simple thing i quote!!!! just like how they are forcing you to buy kinect
@valknight @milomell not arguing this is just a normal conversation am just pointing out that most people find the fact that is a pain certain feature should stay outside the pay wall thats all am saying, this could be a good thing for microsoft and i know most of u would agree with me but, you all just find it hard because u think it's because it's wrong
@valknight @milomell thats the only features that u want on a console and so far on my ps3 nteflix is not behind psn plus pay wall meaning if my psn plus is expired i can still use my netflix and omg!!!! come on facebook is free everhwere except on xbl, u cant use something as simple as that without gold and u tube and other etc
@valknight @milomell i never talk which console is better and talk about which one is more powerful don't get me wrong because i really don't care because they both great consoles and eventually i will own both just like how i own both ps3 and xbox, it's just that extra feature that is not part of my gaming experience is boring, this is why i hate the new dashboard on xbox 360 with all these tv commercials that is not relevant for gaming and never say sony can't do none of that because u don't know, they can but they won'
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