the article is pointless i am a fanboy so what? for example i have a ps3 and a xbox 360 but i favor the ps3 more because of the different library of exclusive and the fact i prefer psn plus over xbox live so yeah i am a fanboy
to me halo is the only exclusive i find engaging on fun on the xbox, gears of war was fun but 2 n 3 didn't do it for me and what even worst i notice that there is mostly shooters on xbox which is why they couldn't find a character that could fit with MK9, Sony on the other hand offer all types of exclusive and still flushing out more as we speak so i think fanboy or not give respect where it's due
@FinnishTeenager i have them both and they are both great but when it comes to exclusive PlayStation offer more, but i think people is angry at Microsoft for the stunt they try to pull earlier with all those restrictions
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