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xf on premiere here :(

was just checking through my new tv guide and that blasted payTV channel that is running xf here is really getting on my nerves.

They started out with season one, the pilot, then had a couple of episodes of season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, showed season 6 and 7 completely, and skip 8 and 9 to go back to season 3.

BUT now they're only showing 2parter episodes, all through seasons 3 to 7.

I don't really see what they're trying... I NEED THAT STUFF ON DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Other fanfic

I'm currently asking permission of a friend to translate an xf fanfic she wrote into english, so I can have you all read it if you want to.

It's really great, very xfilish and I think it's a shame if it were only there in German.

It's called Riverghost, so maybe soon you can read it. Cos my mind at the moment is not coming up with too much writable stuff ;)





Am just trying this now. I'm writing some fanfic myself so if you'd like to read it try this link (maybe copy and paste)




If it doesn't work: try going to www. fanfiction.net, on the link TV shows, on the link X-files, and look for stories written by Springbok (if you click on the name you get to my site there with all my fanfic)






For everybody who wants to know what my daughter looks like... :D


Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com

I've been tagged

Well, 7 things about me:


1) married for 5 years on 25th July this year

2) one darling daughter turning 2 next month

3) one darling baby in the making due 12th september this year

4) active (but not at the moment) footballer/soccerplayer for 23years already

5) pets: 2 bunnies: Spikee and Emboia (latter being the afrikaans word for ebony), both black, both lionhead bunnies

6) used to have a bellybutton piercing

7) worst injury to date: torn cruciate ligament left knee


oh... and I'm a shipper ;) but I bet you all knew that already


next to be tagged... I think Bruna and Farscapefanuk 

Unique x files

I've just been asking myself what really fascinates me so much about that show.

There many parts about it, the storyline of course. DD and GA are very easy on the eye (meaning good-looking :D) but the main ingredient is something that nobody could have planned.

It's how the two of them do their scenes together. I mean not just the way they speak to each other, their facial expressions, but mainly the way they communicate with looks. Every look of them speaks more than 1000 words. It's an invisible bond, so much stronger than love that in a way it must have been very hard for CC not to make them into a couple WAY earlier.

For me, DD and GA are the best ever TV couple/partners and it will be very hard to beat that, I mean, how do you beat perfection? Answer: YOU DON'T! :)

And, I think that lots of their interaction has not been acted out, if you know what I mean. They just seem to have an invisible bond, that makes them so strong (GA and DD, as well as FM and DS)


I can post pics :)

Just tried my luck with my pics again, and it works! :) am so glad now I don't have to impose on poor bruna to do it any more. thanks again.


it's just one pic that aycu didn't want to upload for some reason. Anybody know a reason why that could be? 

something completely off-topic

I'm really getting annoyed BIG TIME with my *** internet here. Then I type something, I wanna post it, internet looses connection. It takes a minute or two, I reload the page, type again, same thing happens.

It's getting so annoying sometimes I feel like kicking the PC or whatever.

Just needed to get that off me. The worst is, you wanna post a reply, but by the time I get it to work, conversation has moved on. :roll:


Think I could do with Bruna's "need a hug"-pic ;) 

Duchovny spelling

On a German website (www.spookyverse.de) they are writing that Ducovny is the original spelling and his mother changed it to Duchovny when they got divorced.

I think it's wrong because Ducovny is just not a Russian way of spelling. Doesn't make sense. I think it's his father who changed it to Ducovny to make it look more American.



Earlier on I was watching the episode Millenium again, with my shadow aka Jillian (my daughter of almost 2 years). She looooves Moona and Scully :)

Now that scene where Mulder is in the cellar with the zombies, when his arm is so bloody, Jillian's comment was: Moona aua! (I had to laugh, she's so observing)

And with the kissing scene she just went off mimicking the kisses.


ONE HILARIOUS CHILD (can't believe she's mine, she's so precious!)