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10 more days

working days I should say until I'm on maternity leave :) Gosh, everything will go by so quickly cos the only real breather I'll get is only after my birthday. On the 13th of August I'll be at the hospital to set a day for the cesaerian, so then I can let you know when the baby will be born and we will know if it's a boy or a girl :D

counting down.... :lol: LOL

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... done it!!! :)


Africa Umoja

Just returned from Cologne where we've been to see "Africa Umoja", a show about life of the blacks in South Africa. Lots of music, lots of drums and dance... it's really great!!! Even baby liked it, kicking in the rhythm of the drums! ;)

So if they're coming to your city and you have the chance to watch them... DO IT!!!


P.S. I deliberately said blacks because in South Africa they make a difference between blacks and coloureds. Coloureds are the mixed people, blacks are thoroughbread blacks. And they can be really offended if you call a black person coloured and vice versa.


filling in scarlett_fever's...

questionnaire just out of boredom ;) NOM

1. Are your parents married or divorced? Married

2. For how long? 33 years

3. How old are they? My mother's 64, my dad will turn 68 in a week

4. Do you think heaven exists? yes

5. Ever run away from home? never

6. Favourite place? loads of them...

7. Favorite time of the day? when I'm watching xf... LOL, nah, every time I'm with my family

8. Favourite website? TV.com, Gossamer...

9. Would you ever have plastic surgery? don't think so

10. Are you homosexual? No

11. Ever kiss someone of the same sex (not including family)? No

12. What do you wear to bed? t-shirt and my hubby's boxers

13. Ever done anything illegal? not really

14. Been arrested? never

15. Fired a gun? no

16. Shot someone? No

17. How many illegal drugs have you tried? none

18. Did you get caught? No.. of course not LOL

19. Hair color? brownish

20. Short or long? medium... cut them a few months back but still can do a ponytail (almost)

21. Eye colour? green-brown

22. Favourite saying? as in quote? for the world you are someone but for someone you are the world

23. Ever wore pajamas to cla.ss or work? no

24. Do you like The Lord of the Flies? Never read it.

25. Do you like The Lord of the Rings? no

26. Harry Potter? yesssssss

27. Future children's name? well, we have a Jillian, next one will be a Maxim or a Sienna

28. Do you snore? my husband says I do, but I'm not so sure he just wants to tease me

29. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No

30. Do you like to sleep in? Yes, but Jillian never allows it

31. Gold or silver? both

32. How long did your longest phone conversation last? 1 1/2 hrs
33. With who? my then boy-friend and now husband
34. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? a stirfry with beans and potatoes

35. Ever go scuba diving? no
36. Ever change a light-bulb?sure
37. City, Beach or Country? all
38. Sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Opened so Jillian can get in.

39. Where did you eat last? at home
40. Are you allergic to peanut butter? No but I don't like it

41. Are you an artist? nay
42. Musician? I can play 4 instruments

43. Athlete? not right now
44. Bookworm? yup
45. Writer? a lousy one
46. When's the last time you cried? the other day

47. Why? feeling sad
48. Do you read other people blogs? some
49. Do you talk in your sleep? no!
50. Window seat or aisle? window

51. Ever met anyone famous? david seaman ( a soccer player) and Pierre Brice (an actor)
52. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?so far I'm happy with it

53. Twirl your spaghetti or cut it? twirl
54. Are you ticklish? Yep
55. Ever bite someone? dunno
56. Ever push all the buttons on the elevator? No

57. Ever make out in an elevator? No

58. How long do your showers last? 10 mins

59. Are you self-conscious?dunno really
60. Ever have a crush on a teacher or coach? nooooo

61. Ever drunk so much you threw up? once and that was it

62. Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? no
63. Do you smoke? No never did
64. Smoke a pack a day?No
65. Do you drinka lot of milk? no

66. Ever stay out all night without getting caught? no...

67. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? yes

68. Have you been in love? yesss I am
69. Do you bite your nails? rarely

70. Have you tried sushi? never

71. Escargot? double never

72. Caviar? tripple never

73. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No
74. Police car? No
75. Fire engine? No
76. Ever had the chicken pox? Yes,

77. Can you tango? no

78. Ever been to Niagara Falls? No

79. Europe? live there
80. Germany?live there

81. Africa? yes
82. Mexico? No
83. Last gift you received? sh*t,..... clothes from my relatives
84. Last sport you played? soccer
85. Been on a blind date? no

86. Dated someone with more than 10 years age difference? No
87. Been fired? No
88. Thing you spend a lot of money on? sweets

89. Where do you live? germany
90. Where were you born? germany

91. Last wedding attended? My sister's
92. Have you ever been married? I am
93. Divorced? No
94. Most hated food? snails, caviar etc

95. Last person you text messaged? my hubby

96. Saying what? I'll bring him something to eat when I pick him up from work
97. Favorite regular drink? applejuice/water mix (sparkling water)
98. Favourite person? s! my family
99. Least favourite person? no reply
100. Current crush? nay

we'll have to wait...

Was by the doc yesterday but baby just showed it's back to us. She still says she thinks it's a boy but she can't say for sure. Now we'll have to wait until the birth ;)

our internet provider was down yesterday until late so I had no chance to post this earlier, sorry bruna :)


jilly's survey

1) what's your fav way to pass a friday night?

RIGHT NOW... watching Lost then family evening ;)

2) what are you attracted to in the opposite sex?

nice smile, nice eyes, humour, consideration, nice bums :D, dark hair (brown or black)... and probably more that I'm not aware of

3) bad habits?

forgetting things that I don't feel like doing, postponing unpleasant stuff as far as possible

4) do you have any compulsions?

not that I'm aware of, must ask my hubby ;)

5) fav thing to wear?

t-shirt, sports pants or jeans, sneakers

6) what scares you most?

thinking about how life would be without my family, crime

7) what is absolutely fascinating to you?

sunsets, thundershowers and lightening... my family(!), the view of Cape Town and Table Mountain when you approach it by plane

8 ) fav poem?

errr... dunno

9) fav quote?

For the world you are someone but for someone you are the world!

10) scariest scene from a movie you've never been able to forget.

not from a movie but a tv show about supposedly genuine events, a scene where a mother enters her baby's room to see an axe hovering above the crib

11) dream job?

pretty much the job that I'm doing, and being a Mum!

12) what place would you most like to live?

uh, several... cape town, yorkshire, and where I live now

13) fav book?

oh, many... karl may's books, henning mankell, harry potter, .... too many to mention, just this one more: The Alienist by Caleb Carr

14) fav things about paris hilton?

puke!!!... oh wait, this joke I once heard: What's the difference between Paris Hilton and Hilton, Paris? (There were more men in Paris Hilton... ;) )

15) fav weird food combo?

not combo but eating habit... I like eating the plums off the plumcake and then eat the rest like that, same with all other cakes that have fruit on

16) guilty pleasures?

what's that supposed to mean?

17) what year would you like to exist in other than this one?

dunno, wild west times mabye

18 ) hobbies?

yikes: football (soccer)- playing and watching, reading, travelling, watching tv (check my fav shows), solving puzzles, music, and my biggest hobby is my family

19) learn anything new today?

not that I'm aware of, but the day isn't done yet

20) waxing philosophical?


Little Mulder or little Scully?

I'll probably only know for sure on the 3rd of July, when I have another baby scan :) I personally think it's a boy, but I'm not sure. My sister-in-law said she thinks it's a boy cos I'm "carrying lower" than with Jill. Dunno what that really says ;)

All I know is we tried for a boy (with all tricks :lol: ) and I know both my hubby and I would love to have a pair. Then probably for child no. 3 we wouldn't wanna know beforehand what it will be.

I heard some people do a sort of a test with a pendula (?) holding it over the stomach. If it swings from one side to another it's supposed to be a boy and if it goes in circles a girl (or the other way round, I forgot) but I'd feel very silly to do something like that.

So what do you guys think it'll be?


P.S. blabber, blabber, blabber ;)


gosh, I don't even know where to start... :lol: for the first time since Jill was born my husband is now working again as well, which is good for us but it also causes a lot of organising stress. The other day his work called in the morning to ask him to come work early afternoon, which left me spending my lunchbreak driving him there, getting to my appointment by the gynae, dropping Jill off by my mother and going back to work. Then when I was done I had to fetch Jill and go pick up my husband... no time for rest or food :|

Luckily he now gets word in advance when he has to work so he can take a train there. Still the next weeks until I am on maternity leave will be more stressful than before and I'm counting down the weeks now (6 to go).

When I checked this forum today there were almost 100 unread messages on a single thread, not to mention all the other threads with unread messages. Guess I'll have a lot of reading to do when I'm able to go online more regularly again.

Gonna go catch up on some sleep now... cheers to you all!!!


X-Files tune

I've been looking at I-Tunes to download the xf theme to my pc and then to my phone, but I'm confused as to which one of the many I should pick. Does anybody know which "orchestra" does the original?

I'm confuuuuuuuuuuuuuuused!!!


DD movies

Over the last 2 days I watched "Playing God" and "Return to me" on TV over here. Anyone seen those movies and feels like "discussing" them?

Don't wanna do it on here cos some might not have watched it and don't want it "spoiled".



