@Cataclysmic0001 @mirage_so3 @Burning_Cactus I could tell you any story I'd like and you'd ignore it. Even if it was true. It's a video game and they got paid to make it. Good for them.
@Cataclysmic0001 @mirage_so3 @Burning_Cactus Many people have said it but pretty graphics don't make a good game. And I don't appreciate the time that went in to it? Dude it's their job I don't feel sorry for them.
@Burning_Cactus This game really is all about the individual. This game is meant to be multiplayer and if you like multiplayer chances are you will like this. If you don't like multiplayer there is NOTHING in it for you.
I just don't get the console wars. Why do people fight over it so much? Especially PC gamers. Calling consoles crap and insulting them doesn't make you cool.
mirage_so3's comments