It's their job to speculate on things like this and give advice to gamers. However, it is not their job to drum up sales for the wii u. WII u has not been doing well and by the looks of it it's not going to pick up anytime soon. So if people are not sure, they can look at these articles and decide for themselves if it's worth it or not. I bought a wiiu simply because I love Zelda, I see no other reason to have it. Nintendo is stuck with it's old school games and can't seem to do anything new.
@RPG_Fan_I_Am I don't really care if people like the xbox. Where it lost me was all the digital rights crap they tried to press in the first announcement. Microsoft tends to screw people for money.
I find his beginning comments funny. I had the exact opposite. I bought my PS3 first then I bought a 360 a year later. I preferred my PS3 and only used the 360 when I had to. I had a lot of trouble with the Microsoft marketplace thing and ended up making like three different accounts that couldn't share game saves or downloadable content for some reason. In the long run it's a matter of preference. Seriously stop being dicks about this.
@tennebrae No. You may like the PC but you couldn't be more wrong. Get it through your head, console gamers don't like PC. Console gamers will likely keep their old console to play their old games it's not like they have to choose just one console. PC gaming takes a lot of work as compared to console gaming. When you buy a game for a console you know it's going to work. Buying a game for your PC isn't guaranteed. You have to have the right hardware.
mirage_so3's comments