The two party system is ridiculously divisive. It's devolved into a "you're either with us or against us" system. The article implies they dropped support because "sh*tposting" is childish when it's obviously about the side he chose. It is much more acceptable to hate Trump and act childish about it. There is anti Trump merchandise everywhere. Personally I hate both sides but don't even act like which side he chose didn't matter.
@deathwish026: You view religion through your lens because you don't like it. You don't look at the other side. The people who choose to believe in god do not fear hell. They believe they will be rewarded, they don't fear they will be punished. The punishment is seen as more of a "bad people will get what's coming to them" kind of thing. Think of what people think of Karma. They believe doing good things causes good things to happen and doing bad things causes bad things to happen. People use this as a source of hope to get through life rather than just be depressed because bad things happen.
And I agree that religion CAN be used as a source of hatred and an excuse to hate but that is not the purpose of it. But I also find that a lot of people will hate others simply for believing in religion. Atheists will hate Christians and vice versa. Republicans will hate Democrats and vice versa. Saying everyone should think one way is what causes hate.
@deathwish026: You completely ignored what he said. The only people you will notice are the extremists. But those are people just looking for an excuse to hate others. Do you know what most Christians want? They just want to live a good life and believe that maybe there will be a reward for them in the afterlife. But all you will notice is the people using it as an excuse to hate. And don't even try to blame war on religion. There are a sh*t ton of reasons countries go to war.
@edinko: Then what's all the complaining about? If it gets released on the PC and you think it looks so much better then good for you. Meanwhile others can enjoy playing their consoles.
@drumjod: And what constitutes adequate? I bought a PC specifically for gaming but it won't look any better than the PS4 would. I also honestly don't care. I prefer to talk about ways games could play better or what controls would work better rather than which version looks prettier.
mirage_so3's comments