@AndreJr7 @mirage_so3 @rickphoenixxx What games are most popular, which are most consistently rated highest. Not "I like shooters better than hack and slash."
@AndreJr7 @rickphoenixxx Games are rated individually. Not based against each other. The spectrum would have to be much wider in that case. What does the game try to do? Does it do it well? Can improvements be made? Not "Is this better than destiny?" Stop using other games as a yard stick.
@AndreJr7 Never seen this argument before. Anywhere. You're so smart to notice how these other games got a different number than this one. Genius really. I tip my hat to you sir.
@Allicrombie @Intocable The brown on this paper bag was a questionable choice. There is also not a lot to do with the paper bag. You can put stuff in it, but what then? You can't eat the bag,
mirage_so3's comments