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miragedolphin7 Blog

Good gravy!

I haven't been on here in ages! I guess it's safe to say that, while the blogging system here is sure nice, I'm prone to posting on my other blog. Time tells only when I actually decide to do a decent game review there.


So, if you don't see me posting stuff here, don't fret. I just moved to another medium. Until next time, happy gaming!



P.S.: It's taken me months, but I finally finished Half-Life 2!

Must... update...

Gawd, I'm getting bad about updating my own blogs. Anyway, got Rock Band 2 and already conquering the world... on Medium. Yeah, I haven't hit the cap yet...

I already unlocked all of my favorite songs, except Lacuna Coil's and Steely Dan's. Who would've guessed that Steve Miller Band would kick my butt? Not me!

Nothing much else to add. The new Silent Hill, Mirror's Edge and the new Tomb Raider round out the new releases that I'll be running to go purchase.

'Til next time... happy gaming!


Please pardon the crazy...

Oh my God. I didn't think they would do it, but they did it. God bless Harmonix and company. Just when they made a great game, they made it even better. Freaking awesomeness is being made, children. Check it out!

The official announcement was made today of the set list. It's true! Fleetwood Mac, Steely Dan, Talking Heads, Steve Miller Band and Lacuna Coil will all be there! It was true! *runs around house, freaking out pets and family*

Thank you y'all at Harmonix so much for adding them! You don't know how happy you've made me (and certainly other people)!

I just have one question: could we transfer characters and bands? I want to keep my band, "Centaur and the Water-Bearer", going... if possible.

Nonetheless, I'm just here spreading the joy. Come on, September! You can't be two months away!

Happy gaming as always,


Yeah, it's been a while...

Wow, when was my last post... December? Well, I haven't been really gaming much these days. School got pretty hectic and so did work (even though my hours were cut).

I've been playing "Rock Band" and "Half-Life 2" on and off. I also finished "Portal", which was awesome.

I just wanted to let anyone who reads this know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Anyway, here's to more updates!

Happy gaming,


Finals, a few days off from work, and broken guitars...

Well, I gave in and decided to send off my old guitar for a new one. Sure enough, the new one came today and it works very well. Only thing is the tilt sensor is a little wacked. Otherwise, I can finally play!

I'm such a n00b, but I'm trying to conquer Medium (while acing on Easy).


Anyway, school's over for me. Yea! Well, I still got to take my two finals, which are going to be easy-peasy.


Nothing else here. I hope my guitar remains intact...

Happy gaming!


From one PO'ed Rock Band player to others...

Beware ladies and gents: Rock Band Strat controllers are crapping out by the dozens.

Mine began to crap out about six hours into playing. And no, I'm not ordering a replacement until Harmonix says something. That would be a while, given that Thanksgiving is tomorrow.

My drums are acting odd too, or so my sister says. The only thing that hasn't given me grief is the microphone.

To those waiting... keep waiting.

To those who bought it like myself... we'll get through this. And if we have to, complain like it's nobody's business.

As for me... I think I'll play "Max Payne 2".

Happy Thanksgiving and happy gaming!


Thank God for small favors...

It's been a stressful last few weeks for me. You would think that the release of "Silent Hill: 0rigins" would fix it, right? Not so... until my preorder came... a day late.I had a paper I needed to finish up and my love of video games had been tested.

Remember when I complained of hand cramps from playing "Eternal Sonata"? Well, regardless of that, I played it for eight hours straight and swore I gave myself carpel tunnel. I was aching for days after that. Poor self-control there, eh? That deterred me from playing any games for a long time. Plus, since I have a tendency to get influenced easily by other people's opinions, I began to question why I played video games and if they were worth my time at all.

Then, I realized that I experience video games a little different than say, my sister. I look at games the same as books: experiences worth my time and hard-earned cash. I see them as portals to new ideas. Then again, it seems paradoxical that I'm a writer and a gamer.

Well, that's growing pains for you. You learn so much about yourself and you begin to become the person you were meant to be.

Remember kids, growing up is tough. But inevitable. So, for your own sake, get through it alive. If I can, sure as heck anyone can!


On a lighter note, I had finished "Silent Hill: 0rigins". I love this game to death. Climax and company have done a smashing job! Everything was done very well, especially the music. People say that the Travis storyline was "tacked on", but keep in mind, I bet my paycheck(and win)that Team Silent had no plans for a prequel from the get-go. So, "tacked on" would be a perfectly valid statement. Doesn't ruin it for me.

Everyone was griping about the use of the mirrors. My theory

(Highlight to see, may contain spoilers)

is that since the Otherworld transformations were in their infancy, maybe mirrors were the only option (at the time). Once Alessa was freed, then the mirrors were no longer needed.

Also, the mirrors took on a unique use in the theater level. This is when I fell in love with the game. Now, I know that the Shakespeare plays have some symbolic tie to the story, but I'm a bad English major and had only read "Twelfth Night". So, any ideas? I'm clueless here. And yes, I have plans to read the play featured in the game.

I'll write a more... sophisticated review. Eventually. Well, you know, when I get the time. As always, happy gaming!


Want! *points to "Eternal Sonata"*

I have rented the game and now I don't want to return it.

I used to have so much trouble with keeping my attention on RPGs, but I have no problem with this one. I'm having a blast. Maybe this will get me used to the other RPGs that I have.

BTW, is it just me or does Chopin look like the Mad Hatter in his get-up? Nothing wrong with that, he's an awesome character. Voice doesn't match, but who cares? The American voice is hawt.

I'm off to go sob at the fact I have to either choose buying a Genesis shirt or this game. Oh and school. I need to do Latin homework. Bye for now!

Happy gaming,


P.S.: To those playing the game right now, is it me or does this game give you wicked hand cramps? Love the game, hate the cramps.

I have seen proof that video games and literature can coincide peacefully...

As you all know, I work at a bookstore. Today, I was working the cash registers when a woman came up with several books, two of them being Ayn Rand books ("The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged").

Here is what happened (to the best of my memory):

Me: Light reading there.

Customer: Oh? Those are for my son. There's this new game out right now-

Me: "Bioshock", right?

Customer: Yeah. He said the game has some references to the books and he wants to read them. We didn't have them, so I'm getting them today.

Me: Yeah, I heard about that. That's really cool. (Later on) That just made my day.

I knew about the Rand references, but it was so amazing to see others knowing it, especially (I'm assuming) a teenaged boy. He's not just going to go on Wikipedia and read the summary, he's going to read the books! Keep in mind folks, Rand is not light reading. Don't believe me? Go find "Atlas Shrugged" and we'll talk.

There you go, ladies and gents, video games can lead kids to great literature. Take that, you idiots who claim games have no merit!

So remember kids, you never know: playing that zombie game could lead you to read "The Serpent and the Rainbow"*.

Happy gaming (and reading)!


*This book, by Dr. Wade Davis, concerns about the legend of the zombi poison and some insight on voodoo. Great book, go get it!

I have completed "Bioshock" and now I'm sad.

^See title...

What's there to do now? Well, I guess to time to blow the dust off "Lost Planet". One of these days, I'll revisit Rapture. For now, like the song goes "it's off to other lands"*.

For those still playing, it gets better and better. Have fun!

Happy gaming,


*lyric from Lindsey Buckingham's "Soul Drifter"

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