It's been a stressful last few weeks for me. You would think that the release of "Silent Hill: 0rigins" would fix it, right? Not so... until my preorder came... a day late.I had a paper I needed to finish up and my love of video games had been tested.
Remember when I complained of hand cramps from playing "Eternal Sonata"? Well, regardless of that, I played it for eight hours straight and swore I gave myself carpel tunnel. I was aching for days after that. Poor self-control there, eh? That deterred me from playing any games for a long time. Plus, since I have a tendency to get influenced easily by other people's opinions, I began to question why I played video games and if they were worth my time at all.
Then, I realized that I experience video games a little different than say, my sister. I look at games the same as books: experiences worth my time and hard-earned cash. I see them as portals to new ideas. Then again, it seems paradoxical that I'm a writer and a gamer.
Well, that's growing pains for you. You learn so much about yourself and you begin to become the person you were meant to be.
Remember kids, growing up is tough. But inevitable. So, for your own sake, get through it alive. If I can, sure as heck anyone can!
On a lighter note, I had finished "Silent Hill: 0rigins". I love this game to death. Climax and company have done a smashing job! Everything was done very well, especially the music. People say that the Travis storyline was "tacked on", but keep in mind, I bet my paycheck(and win)that Team Silent had no plans for a prequel from the get-go. So, "tacked on" would be a perfectly valid statement. Doesn't ruin it for me.
Everyone was griping about the use of the mirrors. My theory
(Highlight to see, may contain spoilers)
is that since the Otherworld transformations were in their infancy, maybe mirrors were the only option (at the time). Once Alessa was freed, then the mirrors were no longer needed.
Also, the mirrors took on a unique use in the theater level. This is when I fell in love with the game. Now, I know that the Shakespeare plays have some symbolic tie to the story, but I'm a bad English major and had only read "Twelfth Night". So, any ideas? I'm clueless here. And yes, I have plans to read the play featured in the game.
I'll write a more... sophisticated review. Eventually. Well, you know, when I get the time. As always, happy gaming!
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