Since April 4th 2008 :I Well it was yesterday.
Yaaaaaay *waves nonchalantly*
Anyway, Recent news.
I got an iphone not too long ago, I play sims freeplay on it a lot.
Last night a RP friend in the group chat I'm in on skype post a trailer thing for The Dark Meadow or whatever: See here
Though I downloaded it, I'm likely to just watch the play through since that kinda game I would rather play using a controller. I like controllers, do you like controllers? I do. Yeah.
That aside, tried to register for GED test this week, but the lady was like "LOLNO."
More accurately, the site said 9am they open. She got there at 8 and registered everyone and PRE-REGISTERED people for next week so this and next week are FULL.
Yet we got there at 8:30 and she wouldn't register me for the LAST week of testing till the NEXT school year.
Mom was super pissed. I was just kinda mellow annoyed. In the sense I was irritated I had been studying till then and panicking/freaking out about "I MUST PASS NO MATTER WHAT".
Anyway, it better not screw up my plans. I want to get my ged and by august get into UNT where my friend goes and take an art cIass(why does it censor cIass geez) with her. I also plan to take something like psychology for a major since I may want to be an author or artist, BUT I need a logical back up job.
And since I've always been fascinated with psychological things and theories to the point I often psychologically analyze everything a person may be thinking or having reason for doing based on what I know and observing the little changes in there behavior, it seems a good choice.
Granted, I would definitely need student loans or such :'D
Funny, I have a mental "problem" yet I'm still fascinated by this stuff. I even analyze myself and make sure I'm aware of reason I feel such and what not... though that's probably a bad thing since over analyzing myself often results in me not wanting to admit certain 'emotions' I sometimes have :I That's where drawing and writing helps, I just vent it there.
I may take philosiphy. I dunno,
I like stuff with psychology, drawing, writing, stuff where I speculate actual reasons for things, my beliefs in all equal even supernatural stuff in some way, why people do something, all possibilities, etc.
Anyway, that's that.
I found out recently some my fave fem rpers that rp guys in a relationship are with the person the character is with in real life. I had a mini episode over that. Yeah, I "threw up words" all over the place and drew two mildly "depressing" drawings.
OH, my friend Alo and I fangirl over the RPers on tumblr. I recently drew this because I like this pairing thanks to her:
I decided to just shade in pencil instead of line again over the inked lines in sai then color it. Since I felt like it.
What else.
I'm babbling a lot.
Haha, opps.
Anyway, the plan is on Saturday to go to this club because a friends band is playing. Of course gotta have id. I do. Yay for being 18 :'D
I'm probably going to be pointing out cute girls to my friend and me and her talking about which ones we prefer :I
Lawl, so anyway, GED plan is be there at 5am since she gets there at 8am so we can stand in front of the center of the doors.
I will sit in front of those damn doors and not let anyone through until I'm registered if need be. Not kidding, that's how hell bent I am on taking this damn thing.
Oh, I went to the Hunger Games premire. It was cool. I liked it. A girl brought a bow in when her and her stupid little group were doing chants. Didn't see her after she brought the bow. After that one someone realized and asked loudly "Did that girl have a bow!?" My friend had a headache and was kinda down, me and the friend on the other side of her talked for a while since we got there at like 9pm.
That's about it for now. So yeah.
4th year or whatever as of yesterday.
Obviously I'm still alive.
I only really update this when I have enough interesting stuff that happened since last blog to post.
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