First off, apparently I been here since April 5, 2008 >.>; Is my math right? Eh, oh well.
Yay me?
Funny thing is I can look back at my time here... and see how much I changed... Blargh.
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I either click a lot of threads, or I had nothing better to do ._.
Anyway, on to the dream I had:
So it first started as my sis, me, father, and his wife all in his truck driving in this open country like road. He drove into a barbwire fence and couldn't drive right... I'm assuming this little bit of the dream came from the fact he told me once his dream job would be getting drunk...
The second and last part of the dream was him driving on this bridge near my house. The bridge is two miles long and over this big lake. So he drove off the edge between the two bridges(one going one way the other the opposite way). For some reason my little sister, Amy who is a year younger than me, was a baby in this part. When he drove off in the truck, it naturally started to sink. I grabbed my sister(who is a baby in this) and rolled the window all the way down and got her and I out of there, leaving my father to sink in his precious truck.
So what I gathered from the dream?
1) I love my jerky sister no matter how much I want to stab her at times...
2) I think my father is materialistic, thus allowing him to die with that he cares more for than his own children.
3) More proof as to why my stories, the characters have father issues >->;
4) I am sadistic even in my dreams =D
Lawl... I don't know if that is sad or not, but it's totally normal for me x'D
Onto DA stuff!
Not much for here, other than hanging out on live-streams is fun.
Oh and here is stuff I most recently have done:
First one is my character Reiga(Ray-juh) and the second one is me... I wish.
OBJECTION! I just noticed, one of my friends asked why my characters always have big boobs, well the second one doesn't! (Sorta...)
I just finished this:
That being said, I have Pokemon White, and now I have Pokemon Black and a Black DSi. Earning the money was hell, but whatever.
Damn thing cost $190 something after tax ._.
I love the character N x3
He is so innocent and adorable! I wanna hug the poor guy D=
Man... the relic manic wants the Crown I found for like $300,000... Heck naw D= Even if it is worthless, it is like the one in the opening D=
OH! A miracle! I actually like a straight pairing ._. NxWhite or whav... mainly because of this DS artist: Here
Oh course, the catch? I also like NxBlack >:3
Apparently, NxWhite/Touko is ferriswheelshipping. (all because of that one scene in the game) and NxBlack/Touya is Isshushipping... Honestly, I am tryting to figure out why it's called Isshushipping... I understand ferriswheel, but Isshu? (thinks and gets bored so moves on)
What other crap do I have that I haven't mentioned? I went to Six Flags for my friend Lauras b-day, and rode roller coasters all day.
Oh and this is pics of the rainbow cake thing I made her:
If you haven't caught on yet, I linked the pics to where I posted them on Deviantart. (*hinthint* Get an account there dammit! I LIVE there now days!)
I'm still here. Just not as much as I am on DA... Yup.
Oh, and I turn 18 on June 18th. Dammit because it means I can get kicked out and I need to get a job. Yay because I can buy sharp things! ( swords, daggers, bad things I can't mention here =D )
Um um um, OH! In May I am going to Florida by Train. It'll take half a week to get to there the half a week to get back, but we are staying a week. Why? My Great Grandparents on my Grams side have there 50th anniversary of marriage. They are like 80 something now. They are paying for us to get to and from, as well as helping with the hotel fee.
Baaaw, I kinda don't want to go... I can us my moms Micro laptop thing, but all I can do is write stories or play games... right now I'm more in a 'art' mood... Feh.
Looking forward to A-Kon still x3
Okay, now that is it...
So until next time I blog! (Probably a good month or two... or 3... depends if I have anything interesting I want to share...)
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