You may or may not remember me from the Miss' Blog Stations! I use to interview our beloved GS members and just goof off.
BUT NOW! *slams down a hammer* We should have a segment dedicated to debate! For all you thinkers out there! Get your brains in gear and listen to what I have to say!
It has been brought to my attention that today's society has many issues. No one learns from anything anymore and everyone takes things to serious!
So this segment is deicated to: The views of "racism", Teen and Parent Cussing, Dictionary supplementing inaccurate definitions, and Cellphone abuse while driving!
Apparently my joking about Christians and their Easter God resurrection gives reason for my sister to call me an ass and racist... Glad my friend from school agree that no one understands true prejudice any more and that these kids nowadays believe anything their told. DUDE! Just because I make a joke that WASN'T meant to be malicious doesn't mean I have anything against them. Hell, over half my family is christian, so why exactly would I have anything against them? Some my best friends are too...
So why is it people take these things the wrong way? Perhaps their parental upbringing? Or their own fear to admit when they think or speak something "racist"!
*sighs and shakes head* People these days are too narrow minded.
Speaking of which, I would like to contradict parental upbringing for a moment. You see these teens going around saying f-word, s-word, a-word, b-word, dam, hell and tossing around generally trashy words. What happened to decency!? I mean cooooome ooooooon! Seriously!? Can't they come up with some creative words instead of spewing sewage everywhere? And parents are no better! Saying these things in front of their children and using the "I'm an adult"? WTF!? That is no reason! You want to raise us right? The stop cussing your butt off and realize that your influence effects others! My mom for example cusses all the time. I try my best to bite my tongue or censor myself so as to not lower myself with such repulsive language. And while I'm on the subject, HELLLLLO! RAIN CHECK! Cuss words are "derogatory" too! Are you going to call me a racist for saying them? Nooooooooooooo. Get over yourself.
Let me contradict the dictionary while I'm at it! I was reading the dictionary out of curiosity and it says perversion is "turning aside from truth, corruption, distortion" and that its morally wrong and abnormal. Also it states Sadism and Masochism are enjoyment of cruelty and perversions, that sadism is "sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others" and Masochism is "the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc." and "the act of turning ones destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself." And oh dear gawsh there is SOOOOO MUCH MORE!!!
I would like to state that I myself have some sadism and I am masochist. I find pain pleasurable to the degrees I've tested so far. And I can clarify with that knowledge and what I have studied from others who enjoy this is that sadism and masochism are not always, if not 50% or less sexual! There is often no sexual act involved in these practices and there is a contract protecting both parties. There are rules and more! All to make things safe for both parties. Such as now scarring or trauma is permitted. Just because a few humans follow the dictionary does not mean all of us, not even a majority, are like this!
And for the record:
~Removed for own safety~
Don't like it? Too bad.
You still with me? If so then I am very proud of you. Allow me to finish up now...
Useful to get hold of someone or in case you have a car wreck...
When you talk on the phone or text while driving you lose some of your focus which can cause a car wreck. I do NOT CARE how good a driver you say you are! You undoubtedly lose concentration that should be focused on the road! You say "Oh that won't happen to me" and then WHAM! ITS YOU OR A LOVED ONE! People have lost the parents, children, lovers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and many dear people because of foolish people thinking they can drive and text or talk. Get a blue-tooth or something! DON'T TEXT OR TALK WHILE DRIVING! It is worse than drunk driving lots of times!
"New reports and statistics say that the human brain CANNOT multitask like we think we
can, while talking on the phone alone is equivalent to drunk driving, TEXTING is four times worse
than that, for the attention of your brain not your hands. Your eyes block things out, like peripheral vision,
and things like people, kids on bikes etc, you just DON'T see everything when distracted by
a phone/texting, our brain can't take all the info at once so some things just disappear from sight."
"Don't tempt fate, that text or call can wait" - Oprah Winfrey show, aired Jan 18th 2010.
People like Oprah and Ellen bring up good points sometimes. And I remember that quote. I remember thinking "If that happened to me or someone I cared about I would be torn..." So please, don't text or call while driving, and if you do, have a headset. I really don't want any of you to die or kill someone over such a stupid thing.
If anyone would like to comment on these please do so.
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