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missanimefan Blog

Yay for random Q&A~!

M'kay. I've been stressed from this move and crap, so I'm doing this for amusement.

I don't care what or how much you ask, just remember the lameass ToS might be watching us.

I wanna do answers in like... a video blog if I find my camera so yeah!

I'll probably get to it within a week XD

Something is wrong with me... everything goes downhill...

What do I say? Well for starters as of now I want to quit.

Quit caring.

Quit being confused.

Quit letting happiness happen.

Quit life.

Quit everything.



But I can't quit now, can I?

I have friends now and I don't want to lose them.


I got sick during moving weekend. Mother and Grandmother think I did it on purpose.

I can't take much heat and I been eating sugar and bad food like chocolate. Naturally all of it made me sick. My body has felt totally bruised since Friday too.

So I got sick and couldn't force myself to go on. I couldn't force my body to go too far. Unlike my mothers boyfriend, I could NOT force myself to work to the point I spasm and should goto the hospital.

You know the sad thing?

I'm emotionless right now.

I don't feel like caring.

I want to curl under my blanket and cry. But I can't even get to the point of being able to cry.

You know why?

Because I cried enough. I cried a lot as I started to break. I'm on depression pills now and only about once have sunk to a deep enough state to breakdown. And you know what? I called my friend and she helped me through it. That was two days ago.

Of course I can't tell whether any of you care or not. What does it matter? I know for sure which of you do care and that's because even if we have real life friends, we never forget our time online and shall always be friends.


Now I am slightly better from my rant:

I am listening to depressing music since I feel better with it... Odd huh?

Anyway. School ends Wednesday.

And I am off to plan my future now. I should or I will end up failing again next year and next thing you know I'll be a drop out then live on streets.




P.s. Talked to one of my friends through text. I guess it will be okay. I can hang out with her and Sarah this summer so it's not all that bad I guess.

My best friend and twin. An eventful weekend and more!

Not that you all care but I'm going to tell you anyway! =D

I'm-sorta-back! This weekend after school friday it was raining so we had fun standing in rain waiting for bus and I went to Sarahs house. We played Soul Caliber 2 and Resident Evil(Umbrella cronicles I believe. With the whole T-virus and Wesker dying and coming back to life. We walked to Starbucks and bought frappuccino. Then Mom picked us up and she slept over. We stayed up til like 2:30am, she played resident evil and I played random flash animations on DeviantART until we both were too tired.

Woke up at like 10am. We played videogames again and talked a lot. Talked about Tales of Symphonia and other random games and whatnot. Went to Nickelrama(after going to Starbucks, they had half price drinks!) for Nia's birthday and we along with Iz combined our tickets. Iz got putty and the end and me and Sarah got mood rings, mine with a moon and star and hers with hearts, we decided they will be our friendship rings. Then we went to Sarahs yesterday, where I stayed the night and we stayed up til 4am. First playing resident evil again and then she showed me Zelda Twillight Princess and what Midna's final form looked like.(so cool!) Then we passed out and I woke at like 1pm today.

She played resident evil(again, I love watching her play it. It's more amusing to see people who know how to play a game play it so can see storyline XP) then mom picked us up about 3:30pm. We went to Payless and me and Sarah walked down to the Gamestop a few doors down to see the games. She is still looking for Lost Kingdoms 2. I freaked over how much Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold cost. Then we went to walmart since the shoes are cheaper there. Me and Sarah skimmed games while waited. After we went to Starbucks, last day of the half-price drinks and came here(my house) where we watched more youtube videos and deviantART stuff, talked and listened to music. Then we took her home about 9pm.

Tomorrow after school, Mom will take us to Half-Price books and take Sarah home after.

Me and Sarah are best friends and twins. We can relate on so much and being so similar it is easy for us to talk about like-everything.

I might go to her place after school this friday again. I'm going to see if we can plan something so me and her can have Jessica join us this time.


Not only that, she lent me that Zelda game. So again, I'll be preoccupied like I was when playing Tales of Symphonia. So I will lack posting again^.^'


I posted all that above in Toonami then said "wth, lets tell everyone in a blog!"


Oh yeah, I want a premium membership on DeviantART. So if anyone can spare some money/points, could you give me some? I will give you ten llama badges! XD Thanks if you can and thanks if you want to but can't. ^^

If you can spare some, then just chose the donate button. That should work. =)


Birthday is on June 18th! I want a Wii...

Oh, and we are moving on the 28th this month. To a house! :o I will be in walking distance of Starbucks and Sarah... :D

Thats all for now!

Oh! Check out my funny little Sticky animations: Link to the section with my Sticky animations

Make a DeivantART if you haven't and add me to watch! I am working on my drawing too. I think they are getting better. I'll upload more soon. For now, here are the two most recent characters of mine that I have drawn. They are both elves by the way, from one of my worlds. The author comments should have a link to the world they are from.

Kimizu dress version


OH! And remember loooooong ago I said I drew Doomed Bug comics? Yeah, they suck. But I redrew the first on printer paper and uploaded it. So here is the first one. Comment on it at DeviantART pllllease!

Life is getting much better, better than I could ever dreamed. And yes I'm here.

M'kay, most of you already know that I have two friends in real life now. I have a lot of fun talking with them. I hung out with them yesterday too ^^ Almost all day with both and then until about 10pm playing games at ones house. Silent Hill looks amusing from what I saw her play ^.^ and we played Soul Caliber for awhile too! She lent me her Tales of Symphonia game for gamecube! I'm playing it right now actually, and its a lot of fun!

Since becoming friends with them, I've been happier than ever and am so happy to be alive for once. The past may have been painful and at times I thought life wasn't worth living. But thanks to them, I see that happiness is possible and doesn't always have a catch. I'm glad to be in this school ^^

Also, we will be moving likely very soon. By June probably. The house my mom wants is within walking distance of my friends house, the one I played games with all night:D And near starbucks too! She was like "when you visit then bring me a coffee too!" XD We are so much alike we are offically "twins" X3!

Yes, I am human... See.

Now, in case anyone has some doubt or worry, I won't be leaving gamespot. I am still here and I promise I won't go forgetting you guys/girls. I may have a slightly more occupied schedule now since I might hang out with my friends now and then, but I will still be here. I won't become "Miss who got a real life and forgot the online friends who she has had great times with but now won't be around much."

So no worries XD

I'm here. Always have been and plan to continue to be.

I survived two years here! I am not about to go and make it all for not!

So everyone, I hope you all are having good lives too!

Take care my friends and see you on the threads/fourms!

~Miss Marika(missanimefan)

P.s. For those who STILL don't know, my name is Marika. That's way lately I sign it as Miss(what everyone calls me) Marika(real name). You can call me Miss still, or if you rather then you can call me Marika. It's up to you. ^^

A-Kon! Might... MIGHT... be going... I hope...

First off, the anime club meeting went well =D

Now, I found out there, some of the members plan to go to A-Kon.

Poor me had no idea what they were talking about so when one girl asked me if I was going I shyly commented that I had no idea what A-Kon is.

She told me about it being an anime convention. So I looked it up. For you poor souls who, too, have no idea like I did, here is a link for you: A-Kon link

First I thought "Ehhhh" since conventions don't really seem like they would suit me. Don't you agree?

HOWEVER. I looked into it and one girl who is my friend(the one that got me to go to anime club)is going so I could follow her around. Also, it looks... interesting.

Main problem is, I need the $40 entry fee for the day anime club members are going. I could pay that... I have like $60 my mom owes me right now anyway...

MAIN PROBLEM!: I need a way to get there. So far there is one girl who is definately giving rides, and maybe two others. I hope if mom refuses to drive I can tag along with on of them. Apparently it runs 24 hours so I hope mom would take me. This way I can be there a full 24 hours *shifty eyes* BUT due to the fact she doesn't like anime I may not be able to *cries* No one in my dammed family likes anime. UGH! What.A.Fing.Rip.Off!

I like the idea of stay overnight and such, see, here is a link: Scroll to the part on why you should stay even if you live in the area

No recording or taking pics of the concert is a minor "darn" since you know me, I'm sneaky... But I rather not risk getting caught so, I wouldn't anyway XP

I am reading the stuff while typing this so I keep adding more XD

I just thought of something. Maybe if I get my mom to bring I friend I can send them to "Adult" sections. My mom, being a smoker, can go to that one smoking section if she has too too *rolls eyes* Or she can just go outside.

Uhhhhh. So if I go I need to have: Cellphone, Music Player for line waits, method to get autographs, few snack incase as well as something to drink. Annnnnd I might add more but June.

Anyone able to get here and join? XD

Miss Out!

~Miss Marika (missanimefan)

2 years. Oh wow, I've lasted that long...

Yup. Member of GS 2 years now. (ignore the Apr 5, 2008. It's off since first post was Apr 4, 2008)

Anywho. I've survived o.o

And I have YET to pass level 34 even though I'm on...everyday.

Current random stats:

Total Posts: 28,785

Total Messages Read: 164,084,723

I also still stalk Captains Threads... yup.

Differences from when I first began here:

I'm smarter.

I'm not as depressing.(ask if I took my meds I'll kill you)

Obviously post count went up XP

Future goals on this site/related to people on this site:

One day, become officer in my fave union, the Toonami Union. (Rawr! Go join!)

Make the CoEC a great union. (Speaking of which, go check out the contest going on there right now if bored)

Become a super awesome designer like Shadow-Elite and spiritwave.

Try to someday catch up to Nicaboy456's amount of anime/manga XD

Try to get as many awesome dragons on dragcave like sinistra45 has =P

Complete the corruption of Kuroida's mind.

Etc... too lazy to go on XP

Currently I-...have no idea what else I was going to say actually...

Ooo! I can make animated avatars btw. So if ya want one, drop by Toonami to try and catch me(I live in the OT thread) or PM me.

My sigs are... decent. I'm pleased with them for myself, but when making one for someone else I try harder XP Like this one I made for my friend:

Eh, I think its one of the better animated sigs I've made...

I like my MAL sigs more though XD

Blog headers and Banners remain somewhat weak points...

And tags? I still loooove making em ^.^ Though I don't seem to have any request for new ones lately D=

The sigs is distracting me...

Before the moving picture above makes me forget- -.- -Please click dragon eggs!

Happy Easter btw... religious or not, who cares, its a time for chocolate XD

...I spelled the Estar and Ester before getting it right -.-'

Oh yes!

Stuff I've posted on my Deviantart!

Devianart ID/Bio pic thing

My "questionable" wallpaper...

My life summarized during an "emotional" state which goes from bad to worse to good...

My way of bashing my father with words and critizing his ignorance...

A short thing I wrote awhile back and decided to post...

Thing I wrote for c|ass awhile back...

And Short story(which was written as a c|ass assignment and done in two days since I put it off forever so it might suck:

Blissful Agony Part 1

Blissful Agony Part 2

Blissful Agony Part 3

Blissful Agony Part 4

Blissful Agony End

Do I actually expect you people to read ALL of those?

Urk, no...

My site is still doing well too, its now open for anyone to join if they'd like. Only requires email verdification like most sites.

Anyyyywho, thats it.

Two years here and still going on...

~Miss Marika (missanimefan)


I intend to go to the anime club meeting at school!!

*squeals with delight*

My friend, she's going to be on of the clubs leaders(I forget if it was Pres or Vice Pres) next year =D

I offered to take on any job, I'm going to go for secretary =P

But yeah, since she invited me and has convinced me not to chicken out I fully intend to go! I'll hang around her until I get comfortable with the others probably... I already warned her I'll probably follow her until I get to know the others xP

She told me no hiding like I did the first time XD Which was like spying since I just listened and pretended to read the Bleach manga...


*coughs and stops squealing*


Okay, while I'm at it, please click the eggs and hatchlings so they grow:


Before I finish this, I should mention, I intend to post links to my writings on deviantart soon.

Arigatou/Thank you,

~Miss Marika (missanimefan)


Worship Amber and all her greatness!


Hence my newest sig. Fairly simple one it is:

Note: This is "raw" version. Incase the actual version screws up and doesn't appear correctly...


This should look right if you click comments that takes you to this blog post. Since the section is wider.

And My Avatar. Just look up at it...too lazy to post it...

Please click them! They need to grow up and be healthy!


~Miss Marika (aka missanimefan)

YO! SPRING BREAK AND STUFF! (yes... I am on coffee...)




Oh, these aren't too good but animated sigs I've made:



^Bored and wanted to make...


Now that I've got your commys lagging! I have free time during spring break!

So, if you need anything let me know! Be it helping with words, images, or anything. I'll try to help my friends:P (meaning if you randomly found me son't expect much...)

PEACE OUT YO!!!!!!!!!!

~Marika (missanimefan)

Miss' Debate Corner! Lets talk about todays society... (possibly amusing....)



You may or may not remember me from the Miss' Blog Stations! I use to interview our beloved GS members and just goof off.

BUT NOW! *slams down a hammer* We should have a segment dedicated to debate! For all you thinkers out there! Get your brains in gear and listen to what I have to say!

It has been brought to my attention that today's society has many issues. No one learns from anything anymore and everyone takes things to serious!

So this segment is deicated to: The views of "racism", Teen and Parent Cussing, Dictionary supplementing inaccurate definitions, and Cellphone abuse while driving!

Apparently my joking about Christians and their Easter God resurrection gives reason for my sister to call me an ass and racist... Glad my friend from school agree that no one understands true prejudice any more and that these kids nowadays believe anything their told. DUDE! Just because I make a joke that WASN'T meant to be malicious doesn't mean I have anything against them. Hell, over half my family is christian, so why exactly would I have anything against them? Some my best friends are too...

So why is it people take these things the wrong way? Perhaps their parental upbringing? Or their own fear to admit when they think or speak something "racist"!

*sighs and shakes head* People these days are too narrow minded.

Speaking of which, I would like to contradict parental upbringing for a moment. You see these teens going around saying f-word, s-word, a-word, b-word, dam, hell and tossing around generally trashy words. What happened to decency!? I mean cooooome ooooooon! Seriously!? Can't they come up with some creative words instead of spewing sewage everywhere? And parents are no better! Saying these things in front of their children and using the "I'm an adult"? WTF!? That is no reason! You want to raise us right? The stop cussing your butt off and realize that your influence effects others! My mom for example cusses all the time. I try my best to bite my tongue or censor myself so as to not lower myself with such repulsive language. And while I'm on the subject, HELLLLLO! RAIN CHECK! Cuss words are "derogatory" too! Are you going to call me a racist for saying them? Nooooooooooooo. Get over yourself.

Let me contradict the dictionary while I'm at it! I was reading the dictionary out of curiosity and it says perversion is "turning aside from truth, corruption, distortion" and that its morally wrong and abnormal. Also it states Sadism and Masochism are enjoyment of cruelty and perversions, that sadism is "sexual gratification gained through causing pain or degradation to others" and Masochism is "the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc." and "the act of turning ones destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself." And oh dear gawsh there is SOOOOO MUCH MORE!!!

I would like to state that I myself have some sadism and I am masochist. I find pain pleasurable to the degrees I've tested so far. And I can clarify with that knowledge and what I have studied from others who enjoy this is that sadism and masochism are not always, if not 50% or less sexual! There is often no sexual act involved in these practices and there is a contract protecting both parties. There are rules and more! All to make things safe for both parties. Such as now scarring or trauma is permitted. Just because a few humans follow the dictionary does not mean all of us, not even a majority, are like this!

And for the record:

~Removed for own safety~

Don't like it? Too bad.

You still with me? If so then I am very proud of you. Allow me to finish up now...


Useful to get hold of someone or in case you have a car wreck...



When you talk on the phone or text while driving you lose some of your focus which can cause a car wreck. I do NOT CARE how good a driver you say you are! You undoubtedly lose concentration that should be focused on the road! You say "Oh that won't happen to me" and then WHAM! ITS YOU OR A LOVED ONE! People have lost the parents, children, lovers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and many dear people because of foolish people thinking they can drive and text or talk. Get a blue-tooth or something! DON'T TEXT OR TALK WHILE DRIVING! It is worse than drunk driving lots of times!

"New reports and statistics say that the human brain CANNOT multitask like we think we
can, while talking on the phone alone is equivalent to drunk driving, TEXTING is four times worse
than that, for the attention of your brain not your hands. Your eyes block things out, like peripheral vision,
and things like people, kids on bikes etc, you just DON'T see everything when distracted by
a phone/texting, our brain can't take all the info at once so some things just disappear from sight."

"Don't tempt fate, that text or call can wait" - Oprah Winfrey show, aired Jan 18th 2010.

People like Oprah and Ellen bring up good points sometimes. And I remember that quote. I remember thinking "If that happened to me or someone I cared about I would be torn..." So please, don't text or call while driving, and if you do, have a headset. I really don't want any of you to die or kill someone over such a stupid thing.

If anyone would like to comment on these please do so.
